
Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The dream is alerting you that action needs to be taken in order to avoid having the connection between you severed. Engulfed.

You were being caressed gently by a waterfall. There was a tremendous amount of water pouring down quite a long height and at the bottom it churned the water up, and it all frothed white and then flowed off into a river. Application

(The end of the last days and the peace symbolized here, with the disappearance of the sea, could represent the millennium). Compare (tsanteroth), "spouts" (Zechariah 4:12). In their place were the little wooden boats again, all with white sails.

Watching friends or loved ones fall over a waterfall indicates the physical or emotional distance from those that you love. The end result of this will be to eventually usher in a new era as the curtain falls on human history in time as we know it.

It's important that when we arrive at the place of destruction, that we mortify our flesh and let the Holy Spirit rebaptize us in preparation for spiritual warfare. God's Call Swamped Water, As A Symbol Of Affliction Spiritual Depths Sinking Deep Seas. Baptism, significance of Waves Calling Waters Of Affliction Severe Afflictions.

The battleship is none less than God Himself, leading His people following upon the intercessory praise.

Optimistic. And the warships were anchored and bobbing up and down slightly with the lapping waves. Rivers in your dreams are representative of your emotional and spiritual pathway and your ability to go with the flow. The sun disappeared and immediately a big, bright silver moon began to rise in the sky. Asked By Wiki User.

You are wasting your energy focusing on trivial details rather than being willing to face the intense change ahead that would move your life forward. Praying and praising intercessory saints and ministries are to prepare the way for God Himself to lead His heavenly hosts into a winning victory against the enemy. This is saints and ministries engaged in warfare in heavenly places, which is intercession in the form of prayer and praise.

The destroyer represents His heavenly hosts.

Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. Passivity. Just as the salmon, who live in salt water (contaminated spiritual environment), swim upstream against the current, in order to find fresh water (pure uncontaminated spiritual environment) to spawn, so the Holy Spirit will direct us against the flow of the existing river of God, which is now polluted with fleshly activities and demonic doctrines because of the length of its run, both geographically (world-wide) and time-wise (several centuries). They were headed towards the open sea (salt water), which represents people, and contaminated spiritual environments.

Dreaming of trying to climb up a waterfall against the current signifies that you are in conflict with yourself and the world around you. When they were on the sea, they deployed and began heading in all different directions.

As boats going in opposite directions passed each other, the people would look at the other boat and wonder out loud, “Don't they know they are going in the wrong direction?” This indicates that each person going in a specific direction has strong convictions about the direction they are headed towards.

Their wooden structure speaks of humanity, their sails speak of going with the wind of the Holy Spirit, the white sails and white boats indicate purity.

This will probably result in even stronger polarization of “pro” and “con” convictions.) As a consequence, a waterfall in a dream symbolizes a dramatic overflow of emotion and a subsequent change in identity. All rights reserved.      Prepare yourself for a powerful new outpouring of God's Holy Spirit. To dream of falling over a waterfall signifies that you are caught up in a dramatic change of perception which will lead to new emotional awareness which has the potential to change your life.

NOTE: In asking God for a word for 1998, one evening, He immediately said “God's open floodgate in '98” and I saw a floodgate. That it will spread from there is certain, however, I did not see it.


There these frail, human vessels will be destroyed and resurface in this fresh water (from the falling water). Rescued someone before s/he plummeted over a waterfall. This time, He zoomed in on the sailboats in order to show me that some in the boats going against the current were not only letting their sails go with the wind of the Holy Spirit, but they were also paddling with wooden oars.

No longer equipped with sails, so that the wind of the Spirit could direct them to fresh waters, they were now going in the flow of the newly released purity and power of the Spirit. ... What is the spiritual meaning of waterfalls?

Their wooden structure speaks of humanity, their sails speak of going with the wind of the Holy Spirit, the white sails and white boats indicate purity. At the same time, some boats going with the current in the opposite direction were also being paddled with wooden oars. Then I saw the boats. He then showed me a map of North America.

However, it will take heartfelt prayer and praise from pure and holy vessels to help bring this about. As I watched I could hear singing, and the smell of food and the sound of many voices, like a big party was going on. It can also reflect the beginning of a new romantic relationship and an outpouring of sexual desire. The sunset, with the sun very low in the sky and the moon immediately rising, indicates the end of the last days.

waterfall definition: 1. water, especially from a river or stream, dropping from a higher to a lower point, sometimes….

1915. It occurs also in 2 Samuel 5:8, translated "watercourse," the King James Version "gutter."

New pure, spiritual life must be birthed in the fresh, pure and uncontaminated water. Been rescued from going over a waterfall. wo'-ter-fol (tsinnor; only in the American Standard Revised Version (Psalms 42:7)): The King James Version and the English Revised Version have "waterspouts," the English Revised Version margin "cataracts."

Even more than that, I believe that the purpose of this is to “destroy” the false prophetic by a cleansing and purging so that the true prophets of God will then communicate God's purposes for such a time as this. This is decision time: will we follow the crowd or will we follow the cloud? Then we will dwell in purity and peace in perpetual fellowship with God and each other. Dreaming of swinging out over a waterfall on a vine or walking along the edge of a waterfall without becoming swept up in its fervor both signify that you are taking stock of a torrent of emotions and trying to decide how to carry on.

In dreams, therefore, a waterfall signifies a dramatic point of shift and change in your life where the materials aspects of your life remain the same, but your approach to life and your understanding of self-undergoes a radical transformation. The fact that this outpouring starting in eastern Canada, and from what I have seen and read what others say about it, appears now to be slated for an even greater outpouring in the western part of Canada is significant. In the case of the vine, you may be experiencing an upwelling of creative energy, but you are not yet ready to let go and take the plunge in a new direction.

Verse Concepts.

A waterfall occurs at a point where the flow of a river has eroded its way through underlying rock to make a vertical flow.

Watching strangers fall over a waterfall implies that there is some level of dissonance between where you are in your life and where you would like to be.      The first thing I saw was the waterfall. Then a battleship appeared, then a destroyer. Serene. Introspective. I gather from this that God is saying that the battle is not ours, but His.

Celebrating over 10 years online. This is the time for walking by faith.

waterfall meaning spiritual by | Sep 25, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments In dreams, therefore, a waterfall signifies a dramatic point of shift and change in your life where the materials aspects of your life remain the same, but your approach to life and your …

And on the horizons, you could see big black war clouds gathering.

Proud member We must make ourselves worthy of this experience by holy and pure living.

Linda? Daring. Encompassed.

This indicates a new baptism of power by the Holy Spirit, for those who are pure, an equipping for spiritual warfare against the enemy. Stood beneath a waterfall Traveled over a waterfall in a barrel, boat, canoe or another floating object.

You travel safely over a waterfall in a boat. And they all went with the flow of the current and headed toward the open sea.

These fleshly activities and demonic doctrines have subsided since the first great outpouring, but run rampant with each new outpouring and then gradually subside. The ships continued to head towards the war clouds.


The first ship was an aircraft carrier, and the first weapons launched were fighter planes and then missiles. Bibliography Information You feel as though others are passing you by and leaving you behind because they are willing to brave challenges that frighten and overwhelm you.

The salmon analogy is interesting, because salmon come from the North Atlantic Sea, which certainly indicates the Pacific Northwest area. The Holy Spirit will take us from the salt water to the fresh water. Pay attention to the type of object you are in because this provides you with an understanding of which area of your life requires your attention.

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