I’m Mr. Right… someone said you were looking for me.”, 25. “I bet if Jefferson had met you, he would have vetoed the Non-Intercourse Act.”, 10. All I’m asking for is one from you.”, 9. Because I want to spend it with you.”, 5. “How about I introduce my Kremlin to your gulag?”, 41.

“Our love isn’t a jealous love – I won’t go all Napoleon and blockade you from your friends.”, 19. We have created a huge list of ready-to-use examples you can use in both verbal and electronic communication.

“How about we equalize the pleasure tonight?”, 44. Because I want a Cutiepie like you!”, 6. “Is your name Maya? “You know, beautiful is my favorite color. “Do you hear that? Some little kid with wings shot me.”, 9. Because I’d like to program your binary loadlifter. “Did it hurt when you fell from Cloud City?”, 12. “I’m not a photographer, but I can definitely picture us together.”, 93. Read the first word.”, 21. “You stole my heart like the rebellion stole the Death Star plans.”, 28. My arms.”, 85. Because I want to fuck you like the Versailles treaty.” 5. “Do you have a band-aid? Aren’t you a little hot to be a stormtrooper?

“You know how I feel about you – it’s like you’re a fossil sample and I’m an impatient paleontologist because I want to date you badly.”, 21. “I don’t know why you bother wearing makeup. Feel free to join the ranks of 35 000 000 readers that already found our tips helpful. “Are you a tower? “Hey, no offense, but do you want to hold hands?”, 32. “Let’s commit the perfect crime: I’ll steal your heart, and you’ll steal mine.”, 17. 1. Would they like to meet mine?”, 38. “You make me feel like the French at blitzkrieg. “I’m fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.”, 20. “Me without you is like a nerd without braces, A shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.”, 2. “Hi, I’m babe Lincoln, and I’m about to give you the Gettysburg undress.”, 27. “How about your Putin your dick in me?”, 49. Because if you gave me a warrant, I’d tap that.”, 13. “I am going to punch you in the mouth with my own mouth softly. Sweetness is my weakness.”, 64. “I couldn’t help but notice that you look a lot like my next girlfriend.”, 94. “Judge me by my size, do you? “This must be the 1900s, because my train has some goods that need to be delivered down south.”, 18. Boy: Because you are my world.”, 6. Me!”, 72. “You must be the square root of two. “I know somebody who likes you, but if I weren’t so shy, I’d tell you who.”, 18. “I wish I was one of ur tears, so I could be born in your eyes, run down your cheek, and die on your lips.”, 51. My heart.”, 12.

There is no try in dating. 1. “Girl, you must be an astromech droid, because you R2 good looking… and if you’re lucky, you might get the D2!”, 43. “I would die a million deaths if it meant I could be with you!”, 2. “Rejection can lead to emotional stress for both parties involved, and emotional stress can lead to physical complications like headaches, ulcers, cancerous tumors, and even death! “Babe, your eyes are bluer than the ocean Columbus sailed… and I’m lost at sea.”, 2. “You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar.”, 51. “My love for you is like a Trojan Horse, it’ll sneak up on you when you least expect it.”, 5. Not only can I beam you aboard, I can beam you a woody. Good thing you’re over the counter.”, 6. Because yodalicious. There is no ‘just friends’.”, 34.

It would look even better on my bedroom floor.”, 2. “I can’t take my eyes off of you. You’re pretty, and I’m cute. Unless, of course, you notice me. Share. “Is your name Wi-Fi? Because you’ve been looking right all day.”, 30. “It’s tragic. “Is your name Amundsen? “Join me, and we’ll rule the galaxy together!”, 39. “Like Martin Luther, I’m gonna post 95 reasons that will make you reconsider me.”, 5. “You look strong enough to pull ears off a gundark.”, 37. “Are you a camera cause every time I look at you I smile.”, 49. Because I like you!”, 38. “Like the German currency post- World War I, you make my heart inflate.”, 3. Cause you Sir Gagsalot!”, 23. “Girl, this evening you’ll be similar to Ben Franklin. For the Horde!". Share via Email Report Story Send. 18. “I know what you’re thinking: That’s no moon, that’s a space station!”, 25. “I heard you give the best head of the KGB.”, 47. Would you like to go out?”, 44. “Did your parents work on The Manhattan Project? “Baby you just turned my bronze into iron!”, 4. You are beautiful. “Are you a magician? Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.”, 63. “I love you almost as much as I love myself (not really, but you’re still pretty hot).”, 29. Because you have been running through my mind all night!”, 37. “Hey, Beautiful! Now, what are your other two wishes?”, 25.

“I may not be the best-looking guy here, but I’m the only one talking to you.”, 33. “I’m here to rescue you. “Date me, or do not date me.

Because you’re a masterpiece.”, 18. “I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. “I’m Luke Skywalker.

“There are 20 angels in the world 11 are playing, 8 are sleeping, and 1 of them is standing in front of me.”, 34. “You must be a Quaker, because I could William Penn-etrate you for hours.”, 28.

How can you be from an ice planet when you’re so Hoth? “How would you feel if I reached in your pants Andrew out your Johnson?”, 36. “Excuse me but I’m looking for weapons of ass destruction.”, 57. ‘Cause I can feel a rising in my lower class!”, 26. “Want to spend the night inside my tauntaun? “Can you kiss me on the cheek so I can at least say a cute girl kissed me tonight?”, 45. Stereo, radio, Xbox, Nintendo, PlayStation, computers, laptops, monitors, DVD players, cameras, typewriters, and all types of small kitchen appliances. “You’re the droid I’ve been looking for.”, 49. “Date, or date not – there is no ‘let’s just friends be’ [Say in Yoda voice]”, 21. “How’s your drink? “Did you develop the plane? “How about we flip a coin? “If I had a dime for every time I thought of you… I’d have one dime… coz you never left my mind.”, 24. Since I need you to investigate my south pole.”, 1. 14. “Hey baby, let´s call this the night of infamy cuz I’m gonna sneak up behind you like Pearl Harbour!”, 22. “Let’s turn up the heat on the Cold War.”, 30. “Girl, let’s flee like Huguenots in the night!”, 3. 13. The Stallion Style website is for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

“You are as hot as the Great Fire of London.”, 2. !”, 13.

“Wanna get bombed by Fatman and Littleboy?”, 4. ‘Cause I can feel a rising in my lower class!”, 1. [Girl: What?] “Wanna to play War of 1812? “You be the Dairy Queen, and I’ll be your Burger King: You treat me right, and I’ll do it your way.”, 41.

“Tell me of this thing you humans call… [pause] love.”, 19. Stuffed animals, board games, dolls, action figures, and sports equipment. “You are a walking art exhibit. “Excuse me, can you empty your pockets? Share via Email Report Story -A.N. Cause I feel irrational around you.”, 29. “How would you feel about mass deportation of my sperm?”, 54. Cause girl, you look like an angel to me.”, 46. “How about you show me your bolsheDICK revolution?”, 42. “Apples are red; bananas are yellow. Because your ass is out of this world!”, 9.

“I used to be a Gambler, but then I realized that all I needed was the Queen of my Heart.”, 36.

“Are you sure you’re not an alien because you’ve just abducted my heart!”, 3.

“Want to go back to my place and discuss Big Stick Diplomacy?”, 52. “I heard you’re good in algebra, can you replace my X without asking Y.”, 45. Honey, you’ve been looking for love in Alderaan places! “Hi, will you help me find my lost puppy? I have sex like I fight a war; I got no exit strategies. “We forget so many of the people we meet in life. “I hope there’s a fireman around, cause you’re smokin’!”, 35. Booby trap; Breach: a gap in fortified or battle lines. Would you mind sleeping with me tonight?”, 1. I want to know how long it took for me to fall in love with you.”, 17. “I heard you’re good in algebra, can you replace my X without asking Y?”, 50.

“When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.”, 20. Agree by clicking. Yeah, you’re the woman with the million dollar smile!”, 15. “Hey girl, that iron curtain won’t keep us apart.”, 25. Girl: Prove it. “Do you want to help me with my project on the tit- I’m mean, TET Offensive?”, 39. Is your name Maya, cause I'd like to sacrifice you to the gods. Always consult your doctor/physician before you will try any remedy or cure for any condition you suffer from! “Hey girl, do you know what you would be really stunning in? I am C-3PO Human-cyborg sexual relations. “You definitely belong up here in the clouds.”, 44. “Sorry, but you owe me a drink. Because you are Be-Au-Ti.. Full”, 20. ‘Cause you’re making the south rise.”, 24. “God gave us two ears, two eyes, two legs and two hands, but he only gave us one heart, and he wanted me to find you and tell you, you are the second one.”, 14.

“No need to Han Solo anymore. Why? I may look like an Ewok, but I’m all Wookie where it counts, baby. “Baby, I’d annex your territory any day!”, 17. “What time do you have to be back in heaven?”, 47. Wanna be one of them?”, 4. “Do you have a pencil? “Is your daddy a baker? “GGGGGRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAWWWWWWW. Well, it must just be 15 minutes fast.”, 102. “Do you remember me? “I am on a diplomatic mission… To totally make out with you.”, 43. Cause my mom told me to follow my dreams.”, 1. I could have sworn we had chemistry.”, 31. “Can I follow you? That means that you love 80% of me.”, 30. “They say the Greeks fought a ten-year war to return the beauty that was Helen of Troy, but I say to you that I would fight a hundred years to take you home with me tonight.”, 7.

[Girl: Why?] “I can’t buy you a drink or else I would be jealous of the glass, kissing your lips and all.”, 35. Cinematic Summary - Spoilers! I wrote your name in my heart and nothing can remove it.”, 16.

“If I was a knight, would you lower your drawbridge for me?”, 9. “Are you a Jedi Master? Because Eiffel for you.”, 4. she ask’s what; you say 2 be the only star in the sky.”, 53. “Going somewhere, Solo?… Want company?”, 18. “It must be the civil war, cause I wanna bang you like a salvation drum.”, 20. 26. “Is your name Mickey? “You look familiar, didn’t we take a class together? one spark and we’ll cause a world war.”, 1. “Your smile glows brighter than a lightsaber.”, 5. “Guess what I’m wearing?

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