Remember that when you think no one is listening or watching. 18. (1969, December 31). I'm right next to Angie asking her how she's feeling, rubbing her hands, and petting her hair. I know because I’ve been there many times. It was exactly April 21 st, 2011 and I remember that day vividly. Don't be the bully.

I've been in the hospital since 9:00 this morning, and after three hours of waiting Dr. T______ finally comes into the waiting room to inform us that we will be starting in about an hour. I'm afraid of a lot of things, anything can go wrong. You're going to make mistakes.

My wife is Angie; we are in the ______ ______ hospital, in ______, Arizona. I will always be here to help you with making the right choice, and I will be here to help you get through whatever may come from your choice. Retrieved 06:11, November 04, 2020, from Everywhere he went and to everyone he met, he spread kindness and laughter. 27. Don't be afraid to be affectionate and love with your whole heart so that you may receive the same in return. 13. 2.

04 Nov. 2020. I'm very excited that I'm about to have a child of my own. Accept that dreams can change. Son, your dad loved me with a sacrificial kind of love that all men are called to, but few accomplish. Forgiving doesn't mean everything goes back to normal. 40. He said he's too big to take pictures now. "The Birth of My Child." Keep that up, son.

For his birthday this year, I decided to give him an extra special gift that is more meaningful aside from the toys or clothes he'll be receiving.

In those times, I want you to remember to be brave and show courage. I knew from before I started having babies that one day I would have a son; I even had your name picked out!



It will likely make you feel like a bit of an outcast at times. Angie's starting to get more contractions now and they're getting closer together, and stronger.

Be a team player. It is easy to count our blessings when we are riding high on top of those hills. Web. My grandparents came from Montreal to attend my birthday party.


People are going to be mean. 47.

It's lonely playing alone. 17. Everyone deserves kindness, baby., (December 31, 1969). Read books and watch documentaries, You'll be amazed at what you can learn.

Don't become them. The true measure of a person, I believe, is when you can still see the blessings you have in the midst of those valleys. I was very happy to see them. I have already begun to teach you how to respect your elders. Even, and especially, during the tough times.

Today is the most exciting day of my life; I have been waiting for this day for the past nine months. Hold on to that, even when life gets hard. Son, you will be faced with the temptation to do lots of things because all the other boys are doing it. Unfortunately, none of us are immune to tragedy. Your dad was the epitome of kindness. Try your best not to choose me, our family or her over the other. People gossip so rumors are born. Bernadyn (author) from Jacksonville, Florida on May 09, 2013: Very sweet words that every child can benefit from :). If you don't distance yourself from those who have hurt you, you'll never fully forget nor heal. Even as a tiny young thing, I am so proud of how polite you are. As you grow, there are a few fundamental things I want you to cling to. She will be the most important woman in your life especially after I'm gone.

All Rights Reserved. One of the very last things your Daddy told me was that he loved me more than his own life. Use it to enjoy life with vacations and leisure activities.

4. Believe in your dreams and do your best to make them a reality. 6. My mother kept them carefully in my room. Have some fashion sense.

You're going to embarrass yourself, laugh it off. Bernadyn (author) from Jacksonville, Florida on June 02, 2013: Thank you, Susan and I didn't think about that but it would be a nice read for men without mothers. 22. You are a wonderful blessing to me, to your Daddy, and to the world. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for stopping by :-), Bernadyn this is beautiful!!! Experience it as much as you can.

October 27, 2008 was the best day of my life. In

My parents were gracious – enough to ask me for anything on that day and I asked them to arrange a grand party for my friends. MegaEssays. When you show respect to others, even when they’re being jerks to you, you will always come out on top. 30.

After cutting the cake, we played many games. Just don't repeat the same ones twice. She may also bear your children. 46.

You are such a blessing to my life and I love watching you grow! He will be starting Kindergarten this year and that is a big step (he's been in preschool for the past two years but Kindergarten seems like such a big milestone). Thank you again. 10.

Know what's going on with your world. I have every intention of mentioning you in my speaking gigs.

I'm so happy you composed this!!!

My friends blew on whistles when I cut the cake.

45. And I will be here to help you through that, too.

Be well-spoken, well-traveled and well-educated the best you can. Respect others but don't be a fool when the respect is not returned.

Remember, not everyone is meant to share every chapter in your life; know when it's time to keep them in the past. You are more perfect than I could have ever dreamed when I found out we were having a little boy. There will be times in your life where you’d rather hide or run or bury your head in the sand than face whatever challenge is in your way. It's because they themselves have been criticized one too many times. My mother is my best friend when it comes to inviting friends home. My younger sister named Shawneequa, 14 months, my younger brother named Vern, only three years old, and of course me, I was 5 years old. Every family has those things, acts and values that they hold in high esteem and they cherish so much. Often times it overwhelms us. Sweetheart, I wish I could change some of the harsh realities that have already happened in your young life. She writes for various publications while writing for her own blog. You are just now beginning to show your amazing personality and I am so proud of the young man I see you becoming. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Don't always take the easy road. That’s not to say that you should stifle your dreams or cut down your goals; it just means that you need to make sure that whatever decisions you make in your career are truly what’s best for your family. All my friends were also invited. Know when to be assertive but don't be the guy everyone hates. I know that I can't act too nervous; I have to act like everything is going to be fine. DMCA I promise you this.

This is also a great read for men without mothers!!! He learns more and more each day as he grows and I'm thankful to have a front row seat to it all. When you are facing a challenge, focus on your blessings and hang on to them tight. What are some words of wisdom you'd like to pass on to your children or any that your parents passed on to you that you would like to share?

I know he's too young to understand it all now but one day he will. Be proud of your heritage, your culture, who you are. I took a breath deeply. Just like you should always put your family first, so too should you always put God at the center of everything.

Don't spend it all on material things that are meaningless.

I'm happy to have shared this with others and that would be such an honor to be mentioned, thank you for reading! Finally I am going to become a father. And I know he did. Play nice. I wish we lived in a world where tragedy didn’t strike innocent children. Angie and I are preparing to have our first child tog Angie has already had two children, and they were both cesarean births. Finally, it's about 1:30 pm and Dr. T_____ enters into the waiting area and tells us that we are going to start now. Also, don't expect nor ask someone else to change their dreams for your convenience. In all ways. 19. Apologize when you realize you're wrong. A gift that he can carry with him no matter what age he turns. My wife is Angie; we are in the _____ _____ hospital, in _____, Arizona. Have the ability to make yourself useful in and out of the house. This will all look great on your college application and/or job resume some day. But I can’t change the past and I can’t protect you from all the bad things, as much as I want to. He won't understand it all now but he will one day. © 2015-2020 BABY CHICK, LLC.

I knew from before I started having babies that one day I would have a son; I even had your name picked out! You are just now beginning to show your amazing personality and I am so proud of the young man I see you becoming.

MegaEssays, "The Birth of My Child.,", (accessed November 04, 2020). You may get married someday. There are just so many possibilities; not knowing riddles my body with fear.

Son, you have your Daddy’s same kind heart and compassionate nature.

Realize when to walk away; you can only give so much until you compromise your integrity and happiness. She annoys you and follows you around because she looks up to you.

The Birth of My Child essays Today is the most exciting day of my life; I have been waiting for this day for the past nine months.

You were meant to be great. I want you to love your future wife like your Daddy loved me. . Don't judge others unless you can handle being judged in return. It's okay to change your mind, just have a clear path of where you're headed next. Use them as your guide book, especially when life gets tough. I'll always try my best to listen. Everyone deserves respect and I expect you to show it. You are more perfect than I could have ever dreamed when I found out we were having a little boy. Read the newspaper, listen to the news. But bravery and courage don’t have to come from you; in fact, it often doesn’t because we, as humans, struggle with the strong grip of fear.

Always remember, no matter what you’re going through in life, be it a big or small challenge, that you are incredibly blessed. Learn to take care of yourself, don't expect someone else (like a woman) to do it for you. All of these things will teach you valuable skills and make you a well-rounded person. 5. Your Daddy loved me more deeply than I ever thought was possible. I wish we lived in a world where tragedy didn’t strike innocent children. 25. 33. Love her with everything you have, love her with all your heart, be faithful to her and show her (don’t just tell her) you love her EVERY DAY.

They will grow up one day and leave, too, so in the end, she's the one you need to please.

This tunnel reminds me of how I feel sometimes watching my son grow; He enters one side as a small boy but will emerge one day from the other end as a grown man. The world is too beautiful to not explore.

It may even make you the target of nasty comments. They actually see your potential and are scared of what you're capable of doing. Look at my Poppa's First Day of School Hub and you may see some of the other side- poppa missing his kid. You are more perfect than I could have ever dreamed when I found out we were having a little boy. He always put me and my needs before his own and he was more concerned with my happiness than his. Set goals, you'll have a better sense of direction in life. Not only will you disappoint me by choosing the wrong thing, you will ultimately disappoint yourself and that is a far worse feeling.

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