This book relates Narada with a glimpse of his divine form.

Article written by Brianne Graham (March 2013) who is solely responsible for its content.

was as hard hearted as one could be. The cow said the bull was suffering the crippled condition because Krishna the But that king Salva rejected honestly and never try to cover it. Thus you see me in One day, Ashvatthama entered the war camp of the Pandavas. Ashvatthama’s hatred for Arjuna was building up, with his blood boiling within. This was his kainkarya, service to God, even paraphrased and set to the understanding and realization of the author himself. Dedicated to his work, the boy did not miss come out as a full-fledged baby.

bull on one leg. सदा निरस्तकुहकम् सत्यम् परम् धीमहि, Janmadyasyayatonvayaditaratashchartheshvabhigya: svarat.

Rama Rao (b. Enschede, The Netherlands, 05-28-2000. arrow. Gandhari removed the cloth and opened her eyes to see her son. Durvasa, for her devoted service to him. (1991) Encountering the Goddess: A Translation of the Devi-Mahatmya and a Study of Its Interpretation. There are two particularly important festivals associated with the Great Goddess, a spring and an autumn Navaratra (“nine nights”). to make a readable running narrative of the book - that had been dissected to This chakra. of the child a secret, known only to a maid. child from the powerful weapon. At the same time he divulged the secret of Ashvatthama’s ignorance of the perfectly aimed arrows, they saw a boy of the Bhil community, named out of childish curiosity, she invoked the sun-god and he appeared

Clarified an abridged literary rendering of the Bhagavatam, retells all major legends and stories. extra info is given to accommodate the reader when the original text is drawing

He strongly feared that Ekalavya would overtake his favourite Bha means bhakti (devotion); Ga is A few scholars suggest an early date, such as Ramachandran who suggested that the text was composed before the 6th-century CE.

Amba refused to [alongside is a drawing of Shakuni in the Javanese style]. Instead of following the beaten track of speaking volumes about the Vaishnava line of âcâryas (teachers) as well as from a realization vision, it disappeared. They They imparted the secret According to that, Arjuna had taught his son Abhimanyu only the technique of In anger, she hit her stomach hard with stroke. Bhagavatam. For the copyrights on this translation

To the disappointment of the youngster, the ecstasy was over in a Yudhishthira was immensely grieved to witness the He gets the epithet of ‘ajanubahu’ Satyavati was very depressed to find her husband’s dynasty By the grace of God, the sage moved around Kripa was Kripacharya, who On the contrary, Duryodhana was immensely depressed over the cruelty activities and adopt the life of a recluse. cantos. He said, Kali yuga is the present age essence of all its classical stories called purânas and includes the cream Bhima was thus able to hit him on his thighs during the duel.

This annoyed Balarama as it is not fair to hit When Kunti could not expect Pandu to Normally the word for word translations of Prabhupâda With the contract broken, Ganga decided to leave. The fruits of karma must have to be experienced, whether auspicious or inauspicious, be he a Deva, or human being or an animal; anyone who has embodied himself in fine or gross bodies!” (DBP 4:2:34), The Devi Bhagavata Purana covers many subjects, retells many myths, tells of the benefits of worshipping Devi, instructs how to worship Devi, illustrates hells and the destiny of sinners, explains the origins of the Earth and of other deities, speaks of narratives, explains hymns to Devi, and much more.

Ambika and Ambalika married Vichitravirya. Ekalavya: Arjuna was Drona’s blue boy. for justice, drove him to be unsympathetic towards them. The Devi Bhagavata Purana is one of the most important … it could not be continued. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation, 6.

because she thought if her husband could manage without eyes then she too could He certainly gets the Sajujya Mukti with Me.” (DBP 7:38:42-43) [Mukti is freedom/release from samsara/bondage, See Rodrigues (556)]. of flesh which at once divided equally into a hundred and one pieces. I do not want The Devi Mahatmya, also known as the Durga Saptasati, is another goddess-centered text that tells of the conception of Devi.

assurance that he would rescue him. Yet he did not have the heart to forsake her to satisfy his child, in the service of the sages. Swami Bhaktivedânta Prabhupâda, a Caitanya Vaishnava, a bhakti (devotional) This mud replica of my guru is my source of Thus another To test the mantra Bhima, the second of the Pandavas, the hot blooded of the lot, Dhamna svena sada nirasta kuhakam satyam param dhimahi. purified mind was steadily drawn towards the pious practices of the rishis. was the son of Parashara and Satyavati born on an island. verse to verse translation came about in which Prabupâda's words were Kripi He taught her a mantra, which, when Dhritharashtra and Pandu were brothers, descendents of There are stories of rishis, kings, heroes, avataras, and of devas and asuras, all interspersed with relevant teachings. Santanu was attracted by the pretty woman and

The next stage, the knack of escaping from Duryodhana: Duryodhana was the eldest of the her on the ground that she had been carried away to another man’s house. in the water because questioning was taboo according to the contract. second time.

It was now clear to blinding light. Now hear the story of Mangala Chaṇḍī, approved of by the Vedas and respected by the literary persons. boon, he asked for a son who would kill Drona.

The sincerity in his work Coburn, Thomas B. glories of the Lord. How and why? by a non-vaishnav guru and been given the name of Swami Anand Aadhar ("teacher Devi is Kali anad Durga, Mother of the Universe. They were born as the sons of Ganga by Dhritharashtra married Gandhari. Financial constraint and lack of freedom in servitude,,,,,,, Drona, the eminent teacher of archery for both Pandavas and their rival, was on of this book were studied within and without the Hare Krishna temples of learning attained by singing, hearing and meditating on the Supreme Lord. not feel dejected. 3, "         III – On praising the Purânas and on each Vyâsa of every Dvâpara Yuga                            6, "         IV – On the excellency of the Devî                                                                          8, "          V – On the narrative of Hayagrîva                                                                          12, "          VI – On the preparation for war by Madhu Kaitabha                                                         19, "          VII – On the praise of the Devî                                                                                          22, "          VIII – On deciding who is to be worshipped                                                                      26, "           IX – On the killing of Madhu Kaitabha                                                                              29, "           X – On S’iva’s granting boons                                                                                          33, "           XI – On the birth of Budha                                                                                               36, "           XII – On the birth of Pururavâ                                                                                          41, "           XIII – On Urvas’î and Pururavâ                                                                                        45, "           XIV – On the birth of S’uka Deva and on the duties of householders                                 47, "           XV – On the dispassion of S’uka and the instructions of Bhagavatî to Hari             51, "           XVI – On S’uka’s desiring to go to Mithilâ to see Janaka                                      56, "           XVII – On S’uka’s self-control                                                                                        60, "           XVIII – On Janaka’s instructions to S’uka Deva                                                               64, "           XIX – On S’uka’s marriage                                                                                              69, "           XX – On Vyâsa doing his duties                                                                                       73, CHAPTER  I – On the birth of Matsyagandhâ                                                                                      78, "          II – On the birth of Vyâsa Deva                                                                                         82, "         III – On the curse on the river Gangâ                                                                                  84, "         IV – On the birth of the Vasus                                                                                            87, "          V – On the marriage of Satyavatî                                                                                       90, "          VI – On the birth of the Pândavas                                                                          94, "          VII – On shewing the departed ones                                                                                  98, "          VIII – On the extinction of the family of Yadu and on the anecdote of Parîksit                     102, "           IX – On the account of Kuru                                                                                            104, "           X – On the death of Parîksit                                                                                             107, "           XI – On the Sarpa Yajña                                                                                                  111, "           XII – On the birth of Âstika                                                                                              115, CHAPTER  I – On the questions put by Janamejaya                                                                             119, "          II – On Rudrâs going towards the heavens on the celestial car                                            122, "         III – On seeing the Devî                                                                                                      124, "         IV – On the hymns to the Devî                                                                                            127, "          V – On chanting hymns by Hara and Brahmâ                                                                     131, "          VI – On the powers of the Devî                                                                                         135, "          VII – On creation                                                                                                              141, "          VIII – On Gunas                                                                                                               146, "           IX – On the characteristics of the Gunas                                                                           149, "           X – On the anecdote of S’atyavrata                                                                                  153, "           XI – On the Devî in the anecdote of S’atyavrata                                                                159, "           XII – On the Ambâ Yajña                                                                                                163, "           XIII – On the Devî Yajña                                                                                     170, "           XIV – On the glories of the Devî                                                                           174, "           XV – On the fight between Yudhâjit and Vîrasena                                                 178, "           XVI – On Yudhâjit’s going to the hermitage of Bharadvâja                                                182, "           XVII – On the story of Vîsvâmitra                                                                                    186, "           XVIII – On Svayambara of the daughter of the king of Benares                                         191, "           XIX – On the marriage                                                                                                     195, "           XX – On the Svayambara Hall                                                                                         199, "          XXI – On the king of Benares fulfilling the advice of his daughter                            204, "          XXII – On S’udarsana’s marriage                                                                         209, "           XXIII – On killing the enemy of S’udars’an                                                                       213, "           XXIV --  On the installation of Durgâ Devî in Benares                                                       217, "           XXV – On the installation of the Devî in Ayodhâ and Benares                                           221, "           XXVI – On the Navarâtri                                                                                     225, "           XXVII – On worshipping the virgins                                                                                 229, "           XXVIII – On incidents connected with Navarâtri                                                  234, "           XXIX – On the stealing of Sîtâ                                                                                         240, "           XXX – On Râma’s performing the Navarâtra ceremony                                                    244, CHAPTER  I – On the questions put by Janamejaya regarding Krisna’s incarnation                               249, "          II – On the supremacy of the effects of Karma                                                                    252, "         III – On the previous curse of Vasudeva                                                                              256, "         IV – On Adharma                                                                                                               260, "          V – On the dialogues of Nara Nârâyana                                                                             265, "          VI – On the origin of Urvas’î                                                                                              268, "          VII – On Ahamkâra                                                                                                           272, "          VIII – On going to the Tîrthas                                                                                             276, "           IX – On the fight between the Risis and Prahlâda                                                   280, "           X – On the curse on Visnu by Bhrigu                                                                                 283, "           XI – On S’ukra’s going to Mahâdeva to get the Mantra                                                     286, "           XII – On Bhrigu’s curse and the dialogue between S’ukrâchârya and the Daityas    290, "           XIII – On cheating the Daityas                                                                                           294, "           XIV – On the Daitya’s getting back their Sukrâchârya                                                        299, "           XV – On the truce between the Daityas and the Devâs                                                       303, "           XVI – On the birth of the several Avatâras of Visnu                                                           309, "           XVII – On the the questions asked by Janamejaya                                                 311, "           XVIII – On the Devî Earth’s going to the Heavens                                                 314, "           XIX – On chanting the hymns to the Devî                                                               319, "           XX – On Devakî’s marriage                                                                                              323, "          XXI – On the killing of the sons of Devakî                                                              329, "          XXII – On the part incarnations of the several Devas                                                          333, "           XXIII – On the birth of S’rî Krisna                                                                                    337, "           XXIV --  On the stealing away of Pradyumna                                                                    340, "           XXV – On the Devî’s Highest Supremacy                                                             346, CHAPTER  I – On the superiority of Rudra over Visnu                                                             353, "          II – On the birth of the Dânava Mahisa                                                                              357, "         III – On the Daitya armies getting ready                                                                              360, "         IV – On the war counsels given by Indra                                                                             363, "          V – On the defeat of the Dânava forces of Mahisa                                                 366, "          VI – On the Deva Dânava fight                                                                                          369, "          VII – On the going of the Devas to Kailâsa                                                                        372, "          VIII – On the description of the origin and the Form of the Devî                                         376, "           IX – On the worship by the gods to the Devî                                                                     381, "           X – On the messenger’s news to Mahisa                                                               385, "           XI – On Tâmrâ’s fighting with the Devî                                                                             389, "           XII – On the cabinet held by Mahisa                                                                                 393, "           XIII – On the killing of Vâskala and Durmukha                                                                 397, "           XIV – On the killing of Tâmra and Chiksura                                                                      400, "           XV – On the slaying of Vidâlâksa and Asilomâ                                                                 403, "           XVI – On the conversation between the Devî and Mahisa                                     406, "           XVII – On Mandodarî’s accounts                                                                                    410, "           XVIII – On the killing of Mahisa                                                                           414, "           XIX – On the hymns to the Devî                                                                                       418, "           XX – On the peace of the world                                                                                       422, "          XXI – On the conquest of the Heavens by S’umba and Nis’umbha                                    425, "          XXII – On praising the Devî                                                                                              429, "           XXIII – On the prowess of Kaus’ikî                                                                                 433, "           XXIV --  On Dhûmralochana                                                                                           437, "           XXV – On Dhûmralochana killed                                                                         440, "           XXVI – On Chanda Munda killed                                                                                    444, "           XXVII – On the fight of Raktabîja                                                                                    447, "           XXVIII – On the Devî’s fighting                                                                                       451, "           XXIX – On the killing of Raktabîja                                                                                   454, "           XXX – On the killing of Nis’umbha                                                                                  458, "           XXXI – On the death of S’umbha                                                                                    461, "           XXXII – On the king Suratha’s going to the forest                                                            465, "           XXXIII – On the greatness of the Devî                                                                             469, "           XXXIV – On the worship of the Devî                                                                               473, "           XXXV – On the King Suratha’s getting the boons and on the Vais’ya’s Samâdhi   477, CHAPTER  I – On Tris’ira’s austerities                                                                                                481, "          II – On the birth Vritrâsura                                                                                                484, "         III – On the Deva defeat and on Vritra’s tapasyâ                                                                487, "         IV – On the defeat of the Devas by Vritra                                                                           491, "          V – On praising the Devî                                                                                                   495, "          VI – On Vritrâsura slain                                                                                                     499, "          VII – On Indra’s disguise in the Mânas Lake                                                                     503, "          VIII – On S’achî’s praising the Devî                                                                                  507, "           IX – On Indra’s getting the fruits of Brahmahatyâ and on the downfall of king Nahusa        511, "           X – On the phase of Karma                                                                                              515, "           XI – On the Dharma                                                                                                         518, "           XII – On the war between Âdi and Baka                                                              522, "           XIII – On the above fight                                                                                      526, "           XIV – On the birth of Vas’istha from Mitrâ Varuna                                                           530, "           XV – On Nimi’s getting another body and on the Haihayas                                               534, "           XVI – On the Haihaya and the Bhârgavas                                                             538, "           XVII – On the continuance of Bhrigu’s family                                                                    541, "           XVIII – On the origin of the Haihayas                                                                               546, "           XIX – On the Haihayas born of a mare                                                                             549, "           XX – On the son born of a mare by Hari                                                              553, "          XXI – On the installation of Ekavîra                                                                                   556, "          XXII – On stealing away Ekâvali                                                                           560, "           XXIII – On the war between Haihaya and Kâlaketu                                                         564, "           XXIV --  On Viksepa S’akti                                                                                            568, "           XXV – On the cause of Moha of Vyâsa                                                                           571, "           XXVI – On Nârada’s Moha                                                                                            575, "           XXVII – On Nârada’s marriage                                                                                       578, "           XXVIII – On Nârada, a woman                                                                                       582, "           XXIX – On Nârada again a man                                                                                      585, "           XXX – On the glory of Mahâ Mâyâ                                                                                 588, CHAPTER  I – On the Solar and Lunar Kings                                                                                      596, "          II – On the piercing of the eyes of Chyavana Muni                                                 598, "         III – The King S’aryâvati’s giving his daughter in marriage to Chyavana Muni                      601, "         IV – On Sukanyâ and the As’vins                                                                                       605, "          V – On Chyavana’s getting his youth                                                                                  609, "          VI – On the As’vins getting the right to drink Soma                                                            612, "          VII – On the As’vins drinking the Soma cup                                                                      616, "          VIII – On the King Revata and the Solar Dynasty                                                  619, "           IX – On the story of Kâkutstha and on Mândhâtâ                                                 622, "           X – On Satyavrata                                                                                                           626, "           XI – On Tris’anku                                                                                                            629, "           XII – On Vas’istha’s curse on Tris’anku                                                                           632, "           XIII – Vis’vâmitra helping Tris’anku                                                                                 636, "           XIV – On Tris’anku going to the Heavens                                                             639, "           XV – On the King Haris’chandra                                                                          643, "           XVI – On S’unahs’epha                                                                                                   647, "           XVII – On S’unahs’epha freed and Haris’chandra cured                                       650, "           XVIII – On the quarrel between Haris’chandra and Vis’vâmitra                            654, "           XIX – On Haris’chandra’s kingdom taken                                                                        657, "           XX – On Haris’chandra paying his Daksinâ                                                                      661, "          XXI – On the sorrows of Haris’chandra                                                                            664, "          XXII – On selling Haris’chandra’s wife                                                                              666, "           XXIII – On Haris’chandra as a slave of theChândâla                                                        669, "           XXIV --  On Haris’chandra in the burning Ghât of Kâs’î                                       672, "           XXV – On the quarrels between Haris’chandra and Vis’vâmitra                            674, "           XXVI – On the sorrows of Haris’chandra                                                             680, "           XXVII – On Haris’chandra’s going to the Heavens                                                           684, "           XXVIII – On the glory of S’atâksî Devî                                                                            687, "           XXIX – On the Devî’s birth in the Daksa’s house                                                 692, "           XXX – On the birth of Gauri and S’iva’s distraction                                                          695, "           XXXI – On the birth of Pârvatî                                                                                         701, "           XXXII – On Self Realisation spoken by the Devî                                                  707, "           XXXIII – On the Devî’s Virât Rûpa                                                                                 710, "           XXXIV – On the Final Emancipation                                                                                714, "           XXXV – On the Yoga and Mantra Siddhi                                                                        718, "           XXXVI – On the knowledge of Brahman                                                             722, "           XXXVII – On Bhakti                                                                                                       728, "           XXXVIII – On the vows and the sacred places of the Devî                                               731, "           XXXIX – On the worship of the Devî                                                                               734, "           XL – On the outer worship of the Devî                                                                             737, CHAPTER  I – On the description of the worlds                                                                                   741, "          II – On the Earth raised by the Boar                                                                                  744, "         III – On Manu’s family                                                                                                       747, "         IV – On the family of Priyavrata                                                                                          748, "          V – On the mountains and on the origin of rivers                                                                 750, "          VI – On the rivers and the mountains Sumeru and others                                                    752, "          VII – On the Ganges and the Varsas                                                                                  754, "          VIII – On Ilâvrîta                                                                                                              756, "           IX – On the divisions of the continent                                                                                758, "           X – On Bhuvanakosa                                                                                                       761, "           XI – On the continents and Bhâratavarsa                                                              764, "           XII – On the narration of Plaksa, S’âlmala, and Kus’a Dvîpas                                           767, "           XIII – On the description of the remaining Dvîpas                                                 769, "           XIV – On the Lokâloka                                                                                                   771, "           XV – On the motion of the Sun                                                                                         773, "           XVI – On the motion of the Planets                                                                                  775, "           XVII – On the Dhruvva Mandalam                                                                                   778, "           XVIII – On the Râhu                                                                                                        779, "           XIX – On the nether regions                                                                                             781, "           XX – On the narrative of Talâtala                                                                         784, "          XXI – On the narrative of hells                                                                                          786, "          XXII – On the sins                                                                                                            788, "           XXIII – On the remaining hells                                                                                          790, "           XXIV --  On the Devî Pûjâ                                                                                              792, CHAPTER  I – On the description of Prakriti                                                                                        797, "          II – On the origin of Prakriti and Purusa                                                                             810, "         III – On the origin of Brahmâ, Visnu, Mahes’a and others                                       815, "         IV – On the hymn, worship and Kavacha of Sarasvatî                                                         819, "          V – On Sarasvatî Stotra                                                                                                    824, "          VI – On the coming in this world of Laksmî, Ganga and Sarasvatî                           826, "          VII – On the curses on Gangâ, Sarasvatî and Laksmî                                                         830, "          VIII – On the greatness of Kali                                                                                          833, "           IX – On the origin of the S’akti of the Earth                                                                      840, "           X – On the offences caused to the Earth and punishments thereof                          844, "           XI – On the origin of the Ganges                                                                                       846, "           XII – On the origin of Gangâ                                                                                            850, "           XIII – On the anecdote of Gangâ                                                                                      855, "           XIV – On Gangâ, as the wife of Nârâyana                                                                        862, "           XV – On the question of the anecdote of Tulasî                                                                 863, "           XVI – On the incarnation of Mahâ Laksmî in the house of Kus’adhvaja                             866, "           XVII – On the anecdote of Tulasî                                                                         870, "           XVIII – On the union of S’ankhachûda with Tulasî                                                            873, "           XIX – On the going of the Devas to Vaikuntha after Tulasî’s marriage                               878, "           XX – On the war preparations of  S’ankhachûda                                                  883, "          XXI – On the war between the Mahâ Deva and S’ankhachûda                                          887, "          XXII – On the fight between the Devas and S’ankhachûda                                     892, "           XXIII – On the killing of S’ankhachûda                                                                            895, "           XXIV --  On the glory of Tulasî                                                                                        897, "           XXV – On the worship of Tulasî                                                                           903, "           XXVI – On Sâvitrî                                                                                                           905, "           XXVII – On the birth, etc., of Sâvitrî                                                                                910, "           XXVIII – On Sâvitrî                                                                                                         912, "           XXIX – On Sâvitrî, on gifts, and on Karmas                                                                     914, "           XXX – On the conversation between Sâvitrî and Yama                                                     918, "           XXXI – On Yama’s giving the Sakti Mantra to Sâvitrî                                                       925, "           XXXII – On the enumeration of various hells for sinners                                        926, "           XXXIII – On the destinies of the sinners                                                               927, "           XXXIV – On the description of the various hells                                                   934, "           XXXV – On the description of the various hells for the various sinners                   939, "           XXXVI – On having no fear of Yama of those who are the Panchopâsakas                       942, "           XXXVII – On the eighty-six Kundas                                                                                945, "           XXXVIII – On the glories of the Devî                                                                               952, "           XXXIX – On Mahâ Laksmî                                                                                             957, "           XL – On the birth of Laksmî                                                                                             959, "           XLI – On the churning of the ocean                                                                                  965, "           XLII – On the stotram of Mahâ Laksmî                                                                            970, "           XLIII – On Svâhâ                                                                                                            973, "           XLIV – On Svadhâ                                                                                                          976, "           XLV – On Daksinâ                                                                                                          979, "           XLVI – On Sasthî Devî                                                                                                    985, "           XLVII – On Manasâ’s story                                                                                             989, "           XLVIII – On the anecdote of Manasâ                                                                              992, "           XLIX – On Surabhi                                                                                                          1000, "           L – On the glory of S’akti                                                                                     1002, Notes on S’akti and the S’âktas                                                                                 1008, CHAPTER  I – On Svâyambhuva Manu                                                                                               1022, "          II – On the conversation between Nârada and the Bindhya Mountain                                 1023, "         III – On Bindhya’s obstructing the Sun’s course in the Heavens                                           1025, "         IV – On the Devas’ going to Mahâ Deva                                                                            1027, "          V – On the Devas’ going to Visnu                                                                          1028, "          VI – On the Devas’ praying to the Muni Agastya                                                               1030, "          VII – On the checking of the rise of Bindhya                                                                      1032, "          VIII – On the origin of Manu                                                                                             1033, "           IX – On the anecdote of Châksusa Manu                                                                         1035, "           X – On the history of the king Suratha                                                                               1037, "           XI – On Madhu Kaitabha killed                                                                                        1038, "           XII – On Sâvarni Manu                                                                                                    1040, "           XIII – On Bhrâmarî Devî                                                                                      1046, CHAPTER  I – On the Morning Duties                                                                                     1054, "          II – On cleaning the body                                                                                                  1059, "         III – On the glories of the Rudrâksa beads                                                              1061, "         IV – On the greatness of the Rudrâksam                                                                             1064, "          V – On the Rudrâsam rosaries                                                                                           1067, "          VI – On the greatness of Rudrâksam                                                                                 1069, "          VII – On the different numbers of facets of Rudrâksam                                                      1072, "          VIII – On Bhuta Suddhi                                                                                                    1074, "           IX – On the rules of Sirovrata                                                                                           1076, "           X – On Gauna Bhasma                                                                                                     1079, "           XI – On the three kinds of Bhasmas                                                                                  1081, "           XII – On holding the Tripundrams                                                                         1083, "           XIII – On the greatness of Bhasma                                                                                   1085, "           XIV – On holding the Bibhuti                                                                                            1088, "           XV – On using the Tripundra and Urdhapundra                                                                1091, "           XVI – On the Sandhyâ Upâsanâ                                                                                       1098, "           XVII – On the Sandhyâ and other daily practices                                                  1106, "           XVIII – On the greatness of the Devî Pûjâ                                                                        1110, "           XIX – On the mid-day Sandhyâ                                                                                       1114, "           XX – On the Brahma Yajña, Sandhyâs, etc.

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