Those toxic metals such as arsenic and cadmium harm the kidney and liver and weaken the immune system. Not sure what the Chinese DR. prescribed but he now has no signs of cancer. Doug Kauffman has researched and written about this for years! Don’t pour more sugar in. No, One Magic Harry Potter, spell, it is balance or lack there of. There have been many “prime causes” of cancer put forward, such as fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites, stress, low pH, and on and on. Most Americans are at least overweight (BMI 25-30) obese (BMI 30-40) and far too many are morbidly obese (BMI over 40). bye God loves you all.

And I apologize my reply was so long winded.

Mom died of a stroke in 2002 at the age of 82.

Fruit ferments, you get a fungal (yeast) mycotoxins called “alcohol.” and how many cancers does that cause? In his later years Otto Warburg became convinced that illness resulted from pollution. 6. The Warburg hypothesis , sometimes known as the Warburg theory of cancer, postulates that the driver of tumorigenesis is an insufficient cellular respiration caused by insult to mitochondria.

Take care and God Bless you. Zero carb diet. It is of interest in this connection that with the help of one of these active groups of the respiratory enzymes, namely nicotinamide, tuberculosis can be healed quite as well as with streptomycin, but without the side effects of the latter. Your email address will not be published. In this country cancer is increasing at a rate to become the number one reasone for deaths more than hearts. M not talking in air. 2. How about venturing into worthy diversions such as memory losses/forgetfulness(…so called senior moments); dementia, Alzheimer’s disease? Oxygen is key in cancer development and growth. He ate the same food Mom ate who served him all of his married life from 1944. Most cell phones are rated at 3 to 7 inches from the head… not against the ear. What has not been around and what tracks exactly with the increased incidence of cancer is toxins. We are desperate to get this under control before it spreads.

Happy New Year!?!?!? have gotten better every day for one year now taking daily dose. Only three survive, when both radiation and chemo, are both used. I am sorry to deny the issues refered in this article. The toxins cause joint pain and arthritis symptoms. I do exactly this same protocol every day, I never get sick and if all of you take the time to explore the internet, the Answers, are all there. They eat ravenously the blood glucose and use it as fuel to multiply quickly. Examples include oxygen ions and peroxides. Not sure what methods Mr Isaacs used for his cancer but Otto Warburgs’ theory worked on me. It is well worth the time investment to sit and watch. The best hedge against disease is the relentless search to reach our Infinite potential in mind body and spirit.

Required fields are marked *. The doctor changed diet, prescribed a number of CM herbs & preparations. Warburg articulated his hypothesis in a paper entitled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer which he presented in lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates on June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany. Eliminating external sources of glucose sugar from the diet does NOT eliminate glucose from the bloodstream, glucose is a fundamental nutrient needed for energy by the human body. I was diagnosed in 2007, Gleason score of 6 and then a PSA of 4.2. Lemons are acidic, when when they go through the digestive processes they leave behind an alkaline ash, and this is the part that alkalized the body’s pH.

Har blivit frisk från fibromyalgi blodförgiftning, ptsd, psoriasis och utbrändhet. When it comes to fighting cancer, eliminating sugar (glucose) is extremely important. It is a case of removing cancer causing foods (meat, dairy, eggs and saturated fats) in exchange for healthy whole foods. That is the kind of information people really need! He was in a great deal of pain. Just do a plant based diet for health!

Due to crucial suppression of environmental implications it is now present in nearly everything…and once ingested by any means it finds tissue and lodges there, apparently forever. My wife just died after going through 7 cancers over a 21 year period, she had some of the best Doctors but to no avail. The corrupt EPA and FDA keep aluminum under the public radar even to the extent of allowing food and drug processors the right to conceal the fact of added aluminum compounds in such ‘health’ products as injectable B 12. He says that massive dosages 25,000 milligrams by injection are needed to fool the cancer cells Have you ever heard of this ‘Warburg Cancer Cure? Yes I know that it is different from processed sugar but the health care practitioners advised me , including the world renown Hippocrates Health Institute, to stay away from fruits. I also noticed you told TJ that you didn’t care what anyone thought. Det har bland annat givit mig en hög tonus i vagusnerven. Fermentation of sugars. Warburg discovered the pentose phophate shunt…anaerobic metabolism and the link between O2 starvation and cancer but that does not constitute a cure. One to watch that shows how the government is out to protect big pharma and almost killed people with inop brain tumors is “Burzynski:Cancer Cure Coverup” I recently switched to wholefoods plant based lifestyle after watching “Eating You Alive” If you only have time to watch one I strongly suggest “Eating You Alive: I believe most of what you wrote is excellent, however, as a person who has worked in this field as a Chiropractor and Nutritionist and using the Gerson therapy for cancer patients, I do not agree with you listing oatmeal as something that converts to sugar quickly. No I will not, they could not understand, if I were in the same room. Blessings.

That said, could you perhaps correct your post in a word processor (like MS Word or OpenOffice), then repost it? Is it just so the meat industry won’t t come after you with their lawyers?

You simply DON’T want it. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, "Why do cancers have high aerobic glycolysis? Moreover, It’s a matter of caring about ourselves first. 2016 no more cancer. Obviously, this limited post is not, and cannot be, all inclusive. If you really want the terrifying truth… And I hesitate to even write this for fear the entire post will be removed and deleted… We live in a cancer-driven society where some are monetarily enriched by the illness and suffering of others. Its more of a drug than food. Do not know if I missed something, but what I want to add is that Otto worked together with Johanna Budwig. I believe you are both wrong. So, how do we increase “Blood Stream Oxygen Levels” and more importantly, how do we increase our “Oxygen Absorption Rate”, out of the amount of oxygen you take in how much do you actually absorb? I find it sad that you think so highly of yourself that you have no need to clarify yourself, that your post would have some cohesiveness and coherency. It is such an individual journey. Fruit sugar is not the same as processed sugar. You can find many lists on google images. Over 20,000 people die each day from cancer. Wishing you endless blessings, love, and good health always. You might look into RAW BEETS CURE CANCER. ), and flossing. Likely causes blood trygliceride and cholestreol count to be high as well. However, remember I am drinking in this Protocol 1 gallon of water infused with 450 MG of single atom oxygen each day. Sad more people don’t know this. ", "Glycolysis inhibition for anticancer treatment", Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, "Energy Boost: The Warburg Effect Returns in a New Theory of Cancer", "Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer: review and hypothesis", "Warburg, me and Hexokinase 2: Multiple discoveries of key molecular events underlying one of cancers' most common phenotypes, the "Warburg Effect", i.e., elevated glycolysis in the presence of oxygen", Glycolytic enzyme inhibitors as novel anti-cancer drugs, "Evaluation of 2-deoxy-D-glucose as a chemotherapeutic agent: mechanism of cell death", "Breast carcinomas fulfill the Warburg hypothesis and provide metabolic markers of cancer prognosis",, Articles with German-language sources (de), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 22:39. You might be able to google this information. There is plenty of it in all fruits, vegetables, etc. The suggested remedy was surgery followed up with a chemo and radio regime. Warburg's hypothesis was postulated by the Nobel laureate Otto Heinrich Warburg in 1924.

Search for Alkaline/Acidic food guide. Hydrogen peroxide and ozone have been failures in cancer treatment. I have heard that CA needs an acidic environment to survive. När Amerikanska soldaterna kom hem från kriget i Vietnam med ptsd försökte man inom sjukvården finna alternativ hjälp för deras psykiska ohälsa gentemot läkemedel. More than that and you tax your kidneys for nitrogen elimination. Then replace with natural and/or harmless cleaners (e.g., white vinegar, baking soda, ozonated (read: ozone-infused) water, liquid castile soap, etc.) You keep your body as it was at 10 years old you would live for 100s of years but what about age? with all due respect, I am not a Doctor, I am a Man who read several compelling medical journals, put a Protocol together and reversed the numbers associated with prostrate cancer, Prostrate Specific Antigens PSA was 5.2 beginning PSA Fluid 10,000, after protocol PSA 4.1 and Fluid 14,000, which is trending away from a Cancer Condition, a condition encouraging cancer to grow. Reduce or eliminate industrial processed foods … preservatives weaken the immune system. Academy choose the other ways, the synthetic, the radiation and both, usually given, to patients which stem cell counts lower than 10% of there original amount. It’s time to take matters into our own hands and educate ourselves on real prevention and treatments.

[1] The term Warburg effect in oncology describes the observation that cancer cells, and many cells grown in vitro, exhibit glucose fermentation even when enough oxygen is present to properly respire. 5. Glucose is MADE by the body from other nutrients. All too common today. d) Rid your living space of chemical cleaners, air fresheners, and virtually everything produced by the chemical industry. Hej jag heter Rolf von Scheele. As many chimed in, glucose is not the issue causing cancer, nor that which you should eliminate even if you could stop your body from creating it. If you KNOW a suggestion is junk, say so, but nicely. The body labors mightily to maintain blood pH within a narrow range (7.35 – 7.45) and most people first get cancer when their pH is at or close to the normal range. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer three years ago and I REVERSED it. Though mentioned above, the importance of this one topic merits its own section. [4] He hypothesized that cancer, malignant growth, and tumor growth are caused by the fact that tumor cells mainly generate energy (as e.g., adenosine triphosphate / ATP) by non-oxidative breakdown of glucose (a process called glycolysis). Chronic Corruption Part II: How to Exploit a Crisis, Chronic Corruption Part I: A History of Incompetence, The vaccines and other medications which the body recognizes as toxins, All the pesticides, insecticides, cosmetic products, and a world of household chemicals. or anyone else, you can type them to see your own type but as for me, I am not writing to the Nobel Prize Committee, the US Government or the FDA, who gives a flying crap!

I keep seeing that no sugar, starve the cancer, keto this etc. This was the US practice in the 1930s in the US south. Why Otto Warburg’s Metabolic Theory is a Cancer Game Changer (video), The Cancer Oxygen Connection: Oxygen to Kill Cancer. Where can I buy that?

Tony and his partner Luella May host The Best Years in Life natural health website where their motto is "It's never too late or too early to begin living longer, healthier and happier lives."

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