(Author’s Note: This account is not for publication in any journals or otherwise during my lifetime. Uncle Ernest and I were the only members of our family who cared for game chickens. More I have had gamefowl 62 years of my 74 years of life. ( Log Out / 

As mentioned, the ¾ Lacy ¼ Albany-Claret cock which I gave to Russell Sutherland and Carl Davis in 1954 bred to their Lacy hens produced such outstanding offspring that we all have bred primarily to this line from that time on. I got first-class roundheads from this cross, very game and capable fighters. I have copies of several of his letters giving their history, and this information has been published in the gamefowl journals and shared with friends who are interested in the Lacy Roundhead family.

Around 2005 I got the George Wood Lacy blood.

The next year, in the late summer, my favorite of the ½ Lacy-½ Albany-Claret hens running under the above stag (from the Lacy hen from Uncle Ernest’s yard and Manley’s cock) stole her nest off in the garden and set. They were some of the best cocks to be found in Alabama, winning consistently in all of the major Alabama pits.

He was typical Lacy and did not show the Albany-Claret in his lineage. Mr. Wood lived in North Port Alabama and Judge Lacy was Mr. Wood's uncle. E.W. From this statement you will see that I believe in pretty close breeding, provided, the specimens you select for breeding are of the right kind and type. This smart cautious fighting tactics originated from Oriental lines where the Boston Roundheads came from. NO BIRDS SOLD FOR FIGHTING PURPOSES. Evidently, she caught Russell’s eye too, for he “walked” her down and gave her to me. I selected 5 pullets from this mating and bred them in 1917 to a stag I raised in 1916 out of eggs that Will Gunter & I got from Shelton. Our roosters. All that I will ask you to do is to pay the express charges both ways. I have copies of several of…

9 Months Old #2. I will not definitely make up my mind or decide which trio to send you until I hear from you again. They are best when blended with other lines to make them a better fighters.

Lacy Roundhead Breed Information . I examined the eggs while she was setting and they were all uniform and appeared to be from one hen. Smart but a bit more aggressive compared to Boston, fast multiple shuffler, vertical flyer, high breaker than Boston and more of an accurate cutter. or. G.W. I was breeding very closely. $300.00; Shipping … As above stated I bred the white legged stag which I got to the five pullets above referred to. Judge Ernest Lacy of Jasper, Alabama, who was my mother’s brother, originated the strain of roundheads which bears his name in 1916. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Her beauty lay in her proportions and above all in her movements. They went to Manley Daniel, who as mentioned was Uncle Ernest’s friend and cocking partner and had had the best of the Lacys, and from Manley they got a trio of Lacys. I wish that I had more of it. Maybe, these texts could look and sound boring for professional roundhead breeders, but I am sure that it will help beginners… Having no brood cock left from my uncle’s yard, I wrote Mr. J. T. Shepler of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and asked if he would sell me a cock to breed to these hens. When picking seeds in the grass, her stride wide, smooth and swinging, but when she was in a hurry, her steps were short and very quick, always smooth, her body in perfect balance. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. They were originated in this –. They also side step their opponent to avoid getting hit, multiple shuffler, has a very good timing to deliver its blow and they are high breakers. ( Log Out /  The cocks were kept is small round stationary pens, never moved from the time they were put in them as stags, then put through a two week keep, usually by an only average feeder or they were scratched in a fly pen by me and fought out of it. The blood is about extinct. 5 out of 5 stars. Russell Sutherland was a young man in Haleyville who loved gamefowl and helped Uncle Ernest walk cocks in Winston County.

From that mating I got some high-class fighting, desperately game stags and pullets. In reference to the inquiries contained in your letter will say that originally I secured from Mr. Burnell Shelton, of Mississippi, a very fine looking roundhead hen upon which I bred a white leg cock that Judge E.W. The daughters from this mating were some of the best brood hens I’ve ever owned. I found a family in the “colored” quarters of town who agreed to keep a pen of chickens for me. The Lacy Roundhead is very good to cross with heavy-strain fowls like Green Legs or Yellow Leg Hatches, Albany’s, Greys like the Regular Greys, Joe Goode Greys, and Law Greys. Maybe, these texts could look and sound boring for professional roundhead breeders, but I am sure that it will help beginners to know their differences and appreciates the qualities and skills they possess. I liked him very much for this disposition. The hens are out of hens that are sisters to the bad-tailed cock, and they are out of a cock that is a half brother to the sire of the bad-tailed cock. Also, it is my observation that writings about a family of fowl in the journals generally promote inquiries about it by chicken raisers of every type and every degree of knowledge and dependability. I can’t make this out) have made such a good record that quite a number of parties claim he was raised by them – Ledbetter bought him at a fight new B’ham for $5.00 from a party named King. In the 80's I started with Lacy Roundheads from fowl that I obtained from Mr. Frank Ellis, who lived in Columbiana Alabama. The differences of Boston and Lacy Roundheads. I used to watch her with pleasure and with wonder. From this mating I raised about 12 stags & pullets. ), From a Copy of Judge Lacy’s Letter as given to me by Carl Saia. They only have about 1/8th or 1/16th of the black Boone blood in them yet 3/4ths of them especially when young, come dark or brown red in color. While I only got to breed the “two-toe” cock one season, yet every cock, hen, stag and pullet that I have or have had for five years carries more or less of that “two-toe” blood. $150.00 Plus Shipping #1. Today, if I were in the position I was in at that time, I would seek out the very finest Lacy cock that I could find anywhere to breed to these old Lacy hens. ), (Editor’s Note: Our appreciation to the author for allowing us to produce his work on this site. J. Roundhead Fowl As Bred By JBLFarms .

The are tight feathered then most are dark red to wine red in color, better body conformation than Boston’s with medium to high stations and are white and yellow legged, better stations than Boston. Categories.

My roundheads as a rule do not have as heavy feather or plumage as I would prefer that they have. This cock was Charlie Hope cock. PLEASE DO NOT ASK. Porter Bottoms Winfield, AL 35594 (205) 242-6116. Most are defensive fighters where they always wait their opponent to attack first before they initiate to engage in the fight. 9 Months Old #2.

I think the most enjoyable years when I was showing my cocks regularly were in the 50's through the 70's. When Bair left this section of the country for oil fields in Texas he gave me a stag which carried that “Bair brown-red” blood, and all of my roundheads carry that blood, but they only have about 1/32 percentage of that blood, and none of my roundheads indicate that they have any brown-red blood in them at all. My First Years of Breeding (1945-1952). Everything traced back within a few generations to just a few individuals, those individuals being the ones described above. I was very lucky. The Boone blood came from a black hen that Fred Bair (who died about 4 years ago) got from Campbell of Ky. about 11 years ago. They were very successful with the offspring from this trio, both when fought pure and when crossed. The hen was old when I got her and I paid $7.50 for her, on this hen I bred a white legged R. H. cock that Judge E. W. Long of this place had raised.

I built a pen in their back yard and brought three old Lacy hens from Uncle Ernest’s yard to Auburn.

Roundhead cock at 2 years Mr. Wood lived in North Port Alabama and Judge Lacy was Mr. Wood's uncle. These two bloodlines are probably the most popular breed of fowls in slasher fighting where speed and cutting abilities are essential to win this type of game.

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