I had severe anxiety and nausea. After reading the above comments I guess I can expect to feel that for the next 55 days? Take natural tonics to help your kidneys and liver recover. Solution #2 supplement w/ broad-spectrum digestive enzymes to ensure maximum absorption and assimilation of nutrients. I decided to quit all at once and I never thought I'd have immediate and disturbing and scary side effects from stopping.

Log in. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. In the videos, Dr. Since aspartame can be very addicting, it is not a good idea to cut out Aspartame is formerly used as ant killers, but ants are smart and will avoid eating them. Unfortunately, there is no timeline for withdrawal symptoms of aspartame. MS, on the other hand can have lesions in the brain but often the starting place will be in the vertebra. Doctors couldn't figure it out. Some of the benefits of drinking tea also comes from the mindfulness of taking time out of your day to truly enjoy your tea and take a break, vs. gulping down a diet soda while you're rushing to finish something else. On top of that, I can't remember anything anymore, my vision is always blurry and goes in and out of focus randomly, now I'm getting this horrible taste in my mouth all the time and food isn't good anymore. I decided that yesterday was my last day drinking a diet pepsi. She will eventually go back to the pop if she does not make the break. Some of the stuff seems pretty far fetched but some hits the nail on the head. If toxins are present within your body, oxygen To Timh of Louisville, KY: Actually, Michael J. I drink about 4-5 diet pepsi's a day.

I've only been eating protein powder with sucralose (I didn't know! ) He had been using protein powders and supplements that contained sucralose for more then 10 years. etc. and digestion, using whole foods and natural nutrients. I'm having muscle twitches and extreme fatigue so far. Author. I will be filing a complaint as well. Additional methods include taking 2-3 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide followed by vitamins such as B complex, E, and C. Amino acid supplements are also an effective route for rebooting the system and repairing the damage of aspartame. I finally understand the dangers of diet sodas. I love reading other's experiences and realizing all these symptoms I have been telling my husband about are REAL. general public and deceiving the general public in order to satisfy their It will take some time to entirely detoxify but once you're at it, nothing remains impossible. Early detection is so very important. Minerals in plants are organic and the body can use them. Take ascorbic acid powder (pure vitamin C) and add baking soda in a 2-1 ratio, add some fruit juice or water and drink down. Before your symptoms get worse, perform this step-by-step process to detoxify from aspartame. One effective method for detoxifying is using activated charcoal – ingested orally or applied topically. Been off Aspartame for 2 years. Also, have you ever chelated your Silver w/ Glycine? Here's my experience with Aspartame use.

The most common signs of aspartame toxicity are fatigue, joint pain, dizziness, headaches and menstrual problems. Here is a video from Dr. Mercola. both aspartame and caffeine at the same time. Information on this web site is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Currently getting pharmist to check for alternative but if anyone else can help it would be great .... Hi there, I poisoned myself chewing a lot a gum with aspartame over 1 week period. The Aspartame Detoxification Process removes as cancer, now have an environment in which to form. At the same time, you don't want to get addicted to regular sodas, either! I have had headaches, muscle twitches, anger, depression and just overall been a different person. My husband is a smoker and I think the comparison of side effects from quitting diet soda is just as severe as quitting smoking. Well, I am in this for the long haul. that people can find the Aspartame (NutraSweet) Toxicity Information Center Aspartame is a toxic chemical that has been used for many years to sweeten diet foods and beverages 2.

Try a TBS of BSM (blackstrap molasses) in 8-10 oz.

They have become increasingly available, and chances are you’ll find at least one of these options available at your neighborhood supermarket. Best of luck! Soda companies like Dr. Pepper have put so much research into getting what they call the "bliss point" of drinking their product that you are pretty much guaranteed to become addicted. I quit smoking about 3 yrs ago and started chewing gum to get over that habit, so now thats my habit mainly cause I feel I have sour breath. to Detox, Aspartame web page on the Internet. toxins, remove the source, remove the toxins from Home, Aspartame Side How did the detox go for you? Will it help curb some of the withdrawal effects? COPYRIGHT © 1999 - There are lots of recommendations on this site about the power of buffered-C and how to make it. It is normal for persons to be very angry with the board of director and I am barely getting over my detox of aspartame - about 60 days since I stopped diet coke and sugar free products about a 12 year habit. You can also take an epsom salt bath to help with detoxing your body. I then sent a restricted letter to the commissioner (David Kessler at that time). The more I read up on this the more I'm convinced I've Been poisoning myself. If you like it enough, you can make your own at home for pennies! This is why it is imperative to take a high quality Multivitamin/mineral supplement 2x day. Thanks for the correction Christine! My most objective explanation was something on the order of your post about the infection as I have major chronic viral, bacterial, and fungal w/ the addition of 2 species parasites juveniles and cyst or eggs. NADH would be the best form of Niacin as it is an activated coenzyme that also fuels the brain w/ energy. Internet at: Healthcare practitioners who are often knowledgeable about aspartame Tarallo attended Broward Community College, and her articles are featured on websites such as Expert Realty.com and Native Remedies.com. I had years of sickness all the symptoms I had. I had to stand for a few seconds before I could walk, and I was in my early 40's! But one thing I've noticed is that people who drink diet sodas can do so all day long, sometimes up to a 24-pack a day! Again, a plant-based diet will dramatically reduce the withdrawal symptoms. When it doesn't get that sugar rush it was expecting, and had prepared for by releasing insulin, the body puts out the call for some real sugar so the insulin has something to do! Hope some of these ideas help to curb your diet soda habit. Created as a “safe” alternative to regular sugar, continued research has shown that aspartame is actually more harmful than helpful. LinkedIn Share on pinterest. It’s about being informed and quitting if you desire. I feel I need to do it though, otherwise I really will make myself sick. Heck, eat an apple WITH your diet soda and see how that feels. Aspartame Side Effects. I quit diet coke (over 20-year habit) right after Christmas 2011 and am almost one-month DC-free! My vision had also diminished significantly during those 3 years, etc. remove the aspartame, use a multi-vitamin and trace mineral to replace the nutrients aspartame removes from the body, then give it time. 5HTP & Melatonin, rotated every other night w/ GABA, prior to retiring. He was not eating a lot of animal food other then fish, but his diet may have been acidic from coffee and the sodas... Any thoughts..but really wanted to warn others to go slow if been drinking aspartame for a long time.... Chrissey: I would recommend several known "nootropic" nutrients to support brain health like: Taurine, Triple Strength Lecithin, Acetyl L-Carnatine, Phosphatidl Serine, Vinposetine or Huperazine. It is known for quite some time that drinking a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% between 6 - 12 drops one glass of water will breakdown the toxic chemical and reduce its toxicity. And wow!

Trying charcoal right now .. Will update.. Also trying TM. From my estimation, the fungal issues that have been plaguing my intestines was the spores being released from my spinal fluid; and this has been going on over 15 yrs. I recently quit drinking.

Case Histories, Read

I never ever go to the doctor, but during that first week off Aspartame I went to the doctor (I think they thought I was crazy) and the ER. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. - abdominal pain As for distilled water, am I incorrect in assuming it is stripped of minerals thru distillation??? By the way, I have continued my caffeine intake through drinking tea so the side effects are not from the lack of caffeine.

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