Have you asked your gf which mode of communication she preferred? I’d rather be alone. Sometimes a man will mainly use texting because you are not a priority to him. Why do you ask? So we got together and after having sex… now it like pulling teeth for him to txt back… He does but mostly when it convenient for him. But picks my call whenever I call, Think about your safety first. Have you experienced struggles trying to get a job during the pandemic times? THIS RIGHT HERE:  “If you have an issue with texting then you should express that concern. We are doomed…. I then replied that he should to call me. Okay this seriously makes me wonder what in the crud were men doing for thousands of years before the invention of the text message?

Nagging is a big headache, It fustrate you more than anyone else.. Well ladies DO NOT USE MY METHOD. When we were together it was wonderful, but the rest of the time it was only texts. Depends on the guy's personality. ~ Thank you Stephan, I needed to read that, explains it clear and simple, yes there are probably ‘other’ factors for texting over telephone conversations, but these seem fair and reasonable to start, much appreciated to help understand. Why do some men (black) figure it’s ok not to date for fear of being used for a free meal? Losing First Love – Lose It Without Losing Yourself! Just explaining why some men do what they do. Time is precious & if i don’t like a man’s voice i don’t meet him. He replied that he was thinking about me and that he had just gotten back the day before. Why SHOULD he plan dates? He sounded like Joe Pesci. It may, or may not, have been your loss. I sacrifice for the greater good (or the majority).

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