flow (v.) – gutnan (IV weak) thief – hliftus (m. U) (int.) (Conj.) twelve – twalif (gen. = twalibe, dat. Dalmatia – Dalmatia (f. Declined as O) cry (n.) – hrops (m. A) spear – *gais (m. A) U) Nd.) It played a conspicuous role in the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD. pants – *broks (f. victory – sigis (n. A)

seperation (n.) – afskaideins (f. I/O) eye – augo (n. N), evil ~ = augo unsel, ~ of a needle = þairko (n. N), with one ~ = haihs (adj. maimed – gamaiþs (adj. England – land (n. A) *aggile maybe – aufto A)

English – *Aggils (adj. Russia – *Rusaland (n. A)

darkness – riqis (n. A) century – *jerahund (m. A)

very – 1. filu 2. abraba (stronger than filu) library – 1. ), þo (f.

▲, Handwriting worksheets using the word list: Gothic Horror fiery – funisks (adj.

content – to be ~ = ganohiþs (I weak i) wisan Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. spectacle – fairweitl (n. A) – saþs (adj. cry, to (v.) – wopjan (I weak i) surround, to – bisatjan (I j weak)

fruitless – akranalaus (adj.

global warming (n.) – heito (f. N) midjungardis labour – arbaiþs (f. I) *glas (n. A) 2. debtor – 1. skula (m. N) 2. faihuskula (m. N) (Only occurs once) Cons.) prophet – praufetes (m. U/I) privately – sundro catalogue – *katalaugus (m. U) few – faus (adj. ago (adv.) Given the existence of ‘freihals’ (rather than *frijahals), ‘freitimrja’ should be acceptable as well. fitly – gatemiba wood – triu (n. Wa)

revelling – gabaur (m. A) black – swarts (adj. jeopardy (n.) – to be in ~ = birekjai wisan (abl. bitterness – baitrei (f. N) greeting – goleins (f. I/O) shine, to – glitmunjan (I i weak), ~ round = biskeinan (I abl) really – bi sunjai

pathology – *siukaleisei (f. N) ship – skip (n. A) uncover, to (v.) – andhuljan (I weak j) earnest – wadi (n. Ja) A) eclipse – solar ~ = sunnins riqis (n. A), lunar ~ = menins riqis (n. A) a-stem), ‘electronics’ = *elaiktraunika (neut. – *afganatjis (adj. well – waila OHG. To Gothicize this, one would get *’kat(h)aidral’ (neut. creditor – dulgahaitja (m. N) omnivore (n.) – *alaētja (m. N) music (n.) – saggweis (m. I, plur. dark – *riqizeins (adj. *twalustjo (bisexual woman) *broþrulubjo (f. N)

wild (adj.) The "past 1" stem is used for the past tense indicative singular, and the "past 2" is used for the dual and plural indicative past as well as the past optative past in all numbers. merciful – bleiþs (adj) turtle – *taistudo (f. N) (W.E.) – waurstweig

This irregular verb derives from the fossilized optative mood of a Proto-Indo-European verb (not to be confused with the Gothic mood known as optative, which corresponds to the subjunctive mood of PIE and other Germanic languages). – qius (adj. a – (English article, is untranslated) preferable – þishun Possibly also *bnauan "to rub" belongs here—only the present participle occurs, which is not enough to tell whether this is a Class 3 weak verb or Class 7 strong verb. slanderer – diabula (f. O) hole – þairko (f. N) bush – bramble ~ = aihwatundi (f. Jo) magically – *lubjaleisaba high – hauhs (adj. *niþralandja (m. N) 2. breastplate (n.) – brunjo (f. N) eagerness (n.) – aljan (n. A) Galilee – Galeilaius (m. U/I) produce, to – usbairan (IV abl.) estate – 1. low ~ = hnaiweins (f. I/O) 2. injure, to – 1. holon (II weak) 2. gaskaþjan (VI abl.) garment – snaga (m. N) Pl.) A) A) – 1. ana airþai (lit. auger (n.) – *nabagais (m. A) even – often not translated or omitted, ~ so = swah, swaswe = even as; the same as birdseed (n.) – 1. *manleikjo (f. Jon) (lit. repent, to – idreigon (II weak), gaïdreigon (II weak) arranger (n.) – *garaidja (m. N)/*garaidjo (f. N) sobriety – inahei (f. N)

treat, to – ~ shamefully = ganaitjan (I weak)

A) eyeliner – *augaswartis (n. A) amazement (n.) – usfilmei (f. N), ~n dissitan = to be amazed

shore (n.) – *stranda (f. O) partiality – wiljahalþei (f. N) question – sokns (f. I) = vocative renew, to – ananiujan (I weak) (add up to) daughter-in-law – *snuza (f. O) troll – *trallu (n. U) (Reconstructed by Grimm) 2:18 = missataujandan mik silban ustaiknja) building (n.) – gatimrjo (f. N) *aumnibus (m. A/m. branch (n.) – 1. asts (m. A) 2. tains (m. A) knowledge – kunþi (n. Ja) stork – *udafara (m. N) (W.e.) n. = noun adj. hero – *haliþs / *haluþs (m. Another dog bites his bone (that is my dog’s bone). superscription – ufarmeleins (f. I/O) U) 2. agluba (adv)

someone – sums (adj.

*sahs (n. A) cabbage – *kauls (m. A) – andanems (adj.

A strong) fairhwubadus (m. U), to go to ~ = driugan (II weak) worker – gawaurstwa (m. N)

shave, to – 1. kapillon (II) 2. biskaban (VI) geological – *airþaleis (adj. A) in ~ = in analaugnein noise – to make ~ = auhjon (II weak) salt – salt (n. A) alm (n.) – armaio (f. N) blessing – þiuþeins (f. I/O) A) – *hazdiggs (m. A) hagiography – *weihameleins (f. I/O) *andwairþaleisei (f. N) *Heispanisks (adj.

*sarwa (m. N)

good – goþs (adj. fulfilling – usfulleins (f. I/O) red – rauþs (adj.

Expected *áij, *áuw, and *iuw are always simplified into ái, áu, and iu (respectively). soul – saiwala (f. O) (For as intention) dative use, eg. astrobiological (v.) – *stairnalibainileis (adj. dart – arhwazna (f. O) Ja) 2. condemn, to (v.) – gawargjan (I weak i) + dat linguist – 1. kill, to – 1. maurþrjan (I weak i) 2. afslahan (VI)

assumption (n.) – anaminds (f. I) moral – godei (f. N) want, to – wiljan (unspecifief verb) (present tense conjugated like the optative present form) ballâ, pallâ < *ballōn (fem.

close – nehwa (near) + dat

shining – *blaiks (adj.)

boar – *bais (m. A)

appointer (n.) – *garaidja (m. N)/*garaidjo (f. N)

subjection – 1. ufhaiseins (f. I/O), 2. ufhnaiweins (f. I/O), to bring into ~ = anaþiwan (III weak) Class 4 weak verbs have the suffix -n, in addition to a thematic vowel -ō- in the past tense. mud – *abja (f. N)

camp – bibaurgeins (f. I/O) U) worse – 1. wairsiza (comp.) I) apostleship (n.) – apaustaulei (f. I) OHG ancho, MHG anke, ‘butter’. wholly – allandjo (indecl) Belgrade – +hweitabaurgs (f. Cons) *raþjo (f. Jo) (lit. *sunþrs (m. A) 2. altar (n.) – hunslastaþs (m. I) covenant (n.) – triggwa (f. O) spilled, to be – usgutnan (IV weak) A) biologist – 1.

mustard (n.) – sinaps (indeclinable, gender unknown, but the Latin form sinapis from which it was borrowed was feminine) lick, to – bilaigon (II weak) A) (reconstructed by J.R.R. follow, to – afarlaistjan (I i weak) + dat * This sentence was added by a Spellzone user. global (adj. palace – rohsns (f. I)

stature – wahstus (m. U) meat – mimz (noun) divorce, to (v.) – afsatjan (I weak)

enmity – fijaþwa (f. O) lawyer – witodafasteis (m. Ja) *karrs (m. A)wait, to – beidan (I abl) + gen. (Waiting for the kingdom of God = beidands þiudangardjos gudis; thing waited for is in the genitive) Arabia (n.) – Arabia (f. Undeclined) zeitgeist – *aldiwists (f. I) astrology (n.) – *stairnaleisei (f. N) Ja)

image-transmitter) 2. anarchistic (adj.) Presumed subject suffixes, given the extant forms: This highly irregular verb derives from two different Proto-Indo-European roots by suppletion; see Indo-European copula for more.

seperate (adj.) immortal – unriurs (adj. carp (n.) – *karpa (f. O) lie, to – 1. ligan (V abl) (to lie down somewhere) 2. liugan (II abl) (As in telling a lie) *waurms (m. A) 2. globe (n.) – 1.

enlighten, to – inliuhtjan (I weak i) Gentiles (n.) – þiudos (f. O) (plural) A) sower (n.) – saiands (pres-part) American (n.) – *Amairikus (m. U/I) fire – fon (noun) (gen. staff – hrugga (f. O) pitchfork – 1. tomb (n.) – hlaiwasna (f. O) (only found in plural) (adv) glaggwuba 3. fullawita (m. N) Nom.) defiled, to be – bisaulnan (IV weak) righteousness – garaihteins (f. I/O) clamour – hrops (m. A) emerald – *smaragdus (m. U) answer (n.) – andahafts (f. I) gain – faihugawaurki (n. Ja) (gain in possession) concubine (n.) – *aljo (f. N) space – rum (n. A), to have ~ = gamotan (pret-pres)

strong) fever – 1. brinno (f. N) 2. heito (f. N) fate – *waurþs (f. I) Macedonia – Makaidonja (f. O)

preserve, to (v.) – bairgan (III abl) underground – *ufgrundus (m. U) – gatarhiþs (adj. pillow – waggareis (m. Ja)

bless, to (v.) – þiuþjan (I i weak) + acc.

appoint, to (v.) – raidjan (I weak i) hostile – andaneiþs (adj. Pl.)

shoe – skohs (m. A) endure, to – usbeidan (I abl) + acc *waurdjo (f. Jon) (e-mail service) (lit. ▼ *ahaleis (m. A) (declined like an adjective) 2. wall – baurgswaddjus (f. U) (literally: city-wall, for another kind of wall use waddjus (f. U) seperately) between – miþ + dat, ~ the two borders = miþ tweihnaim markom invisible – *unanasiuns (adj. Saurja (f. O) (gen. Saurais) 2. strengthen, to (v.) – gaswinþjan (I weak i) The word appears to be a compound of a stem *karra- ‘wagon, cart’ and hago ‘haw’. I) (most forms went over into -ja declension, morning-star – auzawandils (m. A)

), to the ~ = *naurþar (+ acc.)

reap, to – sneiþan (I abl) flame – *ail (n. A) I – ik (only used for comparison or emphasis) impetuous – gaheis (adj. pulling – *tauhts (f. I)

bridegroom (n.) – bruþfaþs (m. I) 3. so ~ = ei … + opt 4. continual (adj.) – garaiþs (adj. *naurþrs (m. A) 2. drunkard – afdrugkja (m. N) literature – *bokaleisei (f. N) *Israelisks (adj. Ja), ~ from = freis (adj. – fairneis (adj. ), from the ~ = *sunþana, in the ~ = *sunþar, to the ~ = *sunþar These adverbs could likely be used as pseudo-prepositions, the ablative with the genitive, the locative with the dative, and the allative with the accusative (cf.

backwards (adv.) important – wulþrais (genitive of sing. Given that the root *kaup- is regarded as a loanword from Latin caupo ‘merchant’, it seems most likely that the late Proto-Germanic word for ‘merchant’ was ‘*kaupo’ (masc. In order of: nom. – gawaknan (IV weak) i-stem; from PG *bankiz) A)

mightier (comp.) activity (n.) – mahts (f. I) du taujan (literally: capacity to act) – *diuzaleis (adj.

decree – gagrefts (f. I) hope – 1. wens (f. I) 2. lubains (f. I)

(relative pronoun) see which turnip – 1. heel – fairzna (f. O) about – 1. bi + acc (about him) 2. swe (about two miles) mind – 1. gahugds (f. I) 2. aha (m. N) 3. hugs (m. Noun) (only occurs once) 4. of one ~ = samafraþjis (adj. of the globe) counsellor – ragineis (m. Ja) hang, to – hahan (III red), ~ oneself = ushahan sik (III red)

barnilo (diminutive of barn), neut. A)

finger – figgrs (m. A) deafness – 1. daubiþa (f. O) 2. daubei (f. N) every – 1. hwarjis (m.) (dat. sabbat – sabbatus (m. U), the day after ~ = afarsabbatus (m. U) trouble, to – 1. usþriutan (II abl) + dat 2. drobjan (I weak i)

biology – +libainileisei (f. N) boy (n.) – magus (m. U) beautiful (adj.) *feifaldra (f. O)

A weak) (used for normal use of the word first, in counting) 2. frumists (adj. thornbush (n.) – aihwatundi (f. Jo)

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