711; Ov.

They were normally considered to be very shy creatures except around the goddess Artemis, who was known to be a friend to most nymphs.



to C1st A.D.) : Ovid, Fasti 2. Apart from the common sources of Power, of which the dryads utilize Air, Earth, and Water, dryads are also able to draw it from trees. Being dryads, they have a love for the trees, forest, and music and have learned to master abilities to shape trees to their will while not harming the tree itself. [2][3] Born dryads rarely have blond hair or blue eyes, but these can be inherited from human or elven fathers. Give me your leaes, and here I will plant them; give me your clusters of grapes which drive our cares away! ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 24. 11 (trans. "Goddesses mine, ye Mousai (Muses), say did the oaks come into being at the same time as the Nymphai (Nymphs) [Dryades]? ", Statius, Thebaid 4. 257 ff (trans. At the beginning, humans perceived nymphs as monsters, demons who had to be either expelled or destroyed in order to obtain new lands. What Are Dryads - 'Witcher' Lore - Witcher Mythology - 'Witcher 3' lore - Witcher Races Lore, Human (with olive, chestnut, red, or green tones), Typically brown or green tones but can vary, dryad matron teaching a fledgling how to make arrows]]. KARYA (Carya) A Hamadryad nymph of the hazel or chestnut-tree. DRYADES (Dryads) and OREIADES (Oreads) were the nymphs of trees, groves, woodlands and mountain forests. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Dryades], and the springs of rivers (pegai potamon) [i.e. the Kouretes (Curetes), Satyroi (Satyrs) and Oreiades (Oreads)] . i. Hamadryads

choir of Dryades (Dryads) who love the birds, grant me your grace! 1224 ff : Because of this they may sometimes grumble about witchers and other infertile males. EIDOTHEA A Oreiad of Mount Othreis in Malis who was loved by the god Poseidon. "King Picus, son of Saturnus [Kronos (Cronus)], ruled the land of Ausonia [Latium] . 62 ff : ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd A.D.) : .

92 ff (trans. in Ven. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) Why did not Pitys (the Pine) whisper in my ear, too low for Bakkhos (Bacchus) to hear? . O'Neill) (Greek comedy C5th to 4th B.C.) "On the green grass he [the handsome youth Narkissos (Narcissus)] drooped his weary head, and those bright eyes that loved their master's beauty closed in death . (Apollon. N.B. The most shocking cultural impact was however yet ahead: the First Landing of humans. "[Atalanta addresses her son Parthenopaios :] ‘Thou a boy scarce ripe for the embarces of Dryades or the passions of Erymanthian Nymphae.’", Statius, Thebaid 5. "The woodman's axe cut down the trees in long rows.

(3) The Hamadryades (Hamadryads) were the nymphs of oak and poplar trees. : Many a glance he drew from Dryades (Dryads) born among the Latin hills; he was the darling of the Fountain-Sprites (Numina Fontana) and all the Naides of Albulba and Anio and Almo's streams [but he loved only Canens]. Dryads are also proficient in treating wounds. "The Nymphae who were wont to strew him [the guardian Drakon (Dragon) of the Nemean groves] with vernal flowers, and Nemea's fields whereon he crawled; ye too, ye woodland Fauni [Satyroi (Satyrs)], bewailing him in every grove with broken reeds. "They used to call some Nymphai (Nymphs) Dryades other Epimeliades, and others Naides (Naiads), and Homer in his poetry talks mostly of Naiades Nymphai. She nursed the infant god Pan. Skin Color

279 ff : Direct your eye to the forest, and see in the leafy thickets a secret ambuscade of men unseen hidden there. : Δρυάς) is a tree nymph or tree spirit in Greek mythology. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) to C1st A.D.) : Virgil, Aeneid 1. § 2; Apollon. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : Subsequent generations were descended from these elder Oreiades and their brother Satyroi (Satyrs). O'Neill) (Greek comedy C5th to 4th B.C.) The Nymphae and Lydian women knelt in reverence. 2 (trans. The Satyroi (Satyrs) skipt, the Bakkhantes (Bacchantes) danced about, [the Seilenos] Maron with his old legs led the music between two Bakkhantes, with his arms laid round their necks, and bubbles of fragrant wine at his lips. KRANEIA (Crania) A Hamadryad nymph of the cherry tree. "[The shepherd Hymnos was slain by a heartless Nymphe he loved :] At the lot of Hymnos perishing, even the trees [Dryades] uttered a voice [calling for vengeance] : ‘How did the oxheard offend you [Nikaia (Nicaea)] so much? Dryad, in Greek mythology, a nymph or nature spirit who lives in trees and takes the form of a beautiful young woman. But where shall I flee? "Callisto once belonged to the sacred circle of Hamadryades and huntress Diana [Artemis] . https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Dryad?oldid=533539, According to the novels the only distinction between born and transformed dryads is the sweat. 1 ff : Cut no timbers from my pine-tree, to make some lugger that may feel the billows of Aphrodite, Lady of the Sea! "I entered a forbidden wood, and the Nymphae (Nymphs) and half-goat god [Faunus-Pan] bolted from my sight.

456 ff : PHIGALIA An Oreiad nymph who gave her name to the Arkadian town of Phigalia. Phoebe [Artemis] returned from hunting scores of forest beasts, as the sun occupied or passed midday. ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 15. 259 ff (trans. [4] Even though some of them may form romantic relationships,[1][7] they mostly perceive males as a mean of procreation.

. Homer, Iliad 20.

Beneath the crest of Arganthus' mount [in Mysia] lay the well of Pege, a watery haunt dear the Nymphae Thyniae (Thynian Nymphs); overhead from deserted trees hung dewy apples, owing naught to the hand of man, and round about in the water-meadow grew white lilies mingled with crimson poppies . For the full list of every dryads, see [[::Category:Dryads]]. 490; Virg.

Other Names . The whole forest trembled, the oaktrees [Hamadryades] uttered voices and the hills danced, the Naiades sang alleluia. [and] Napaea (Nymphs of the Glade). .

. Rhod. 1224 ff : Callimachus, Hymn 4 to Delos 75ff (trans. "They whose labour was in the fields and with the peaceful plough are aroused by the sight of Fauni [Satyroi (Satyrs)] about the thickets and ways in the clear light of day, and woodland goddesses [Dryades] and Rivers [Potamoi] with lofty horns. Gaze upon his striking grace and from his likeness here admire the truth .

viii. were called, not only ministers of gods, but also gods themselves. Jones) (Greek geographer C1st B.C. 259 ff (trans. 50.

ii. Disclaimer: the content below has not been released yet. "Pomona lived in good King Proca's [of Latium] reign and none of all the Hamadryadae Latinae (Latin Hamadryads) was cleverer than she in garden lore nor keener in the care of orchard trees. xv. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 44. these Daimones [i.e. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd A.D.) : Tryphiodorus, 322 ff The Taking of Ilias (trans. . Rhod. Brokilon iv. . HESPERIDES (Hesperids) The three guardians of the golden apples were sometimes regarded as Hamadryad or Hamameliad (apple-tree) nymphs. ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 3.

A guardian of nature who wields a whip infused with the power of the forest. 372 ff : Nymphs of forests, groves, and glens, were believed sometimes to appear to and frighten solitary travellers. Almost all tree-related spirits can be called dryad. 3. During Eithné's rule this policy went so far so the human children became abducted from areas outside Brokilon. Pardon, Nymphae, trampling hooves for muddying your stream . They were wed by the men of the Silver Age--in the time before the first woman was created--and from them mankind was descended. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 48. Packs of bears joined the dance, skipping and wheeling face to face; lions with a roar from emulous throats mimicked the triumphant cry of the priests of the Kabeiroi (Cabeiri), sane in their madnes.

Hence, also, he adds, Hipponax says : ‘The black fig-tree (syke), sister of the vine (ampelos).’", Oppian, Cynegetica 1. Gullick) (Greek rhetorician C2nd to 3rd A.D.) : Oppian, Cynegetica 1. 82 ff : Fairbanks) (Greek rhetorician C3rd A.D.) : "For thy [the hunter Hippolytus'] slumbers the frolicsome goddesses of the groves (nemorum deae) will lay their snares, the Dryades (Dryads), who pursue Panes wandering on the mountains. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.) [1] By the 13th century humans conquered or subjugated almost the whole area of now-called Northern Kingdoms and Brokilon became the sole independent habitat of the dryad race. 3 .

For instance, Hesiod says that five daughters were born to Hekateros (Hecaterus) and the daughter of Phoroneus, ‘from whom sprang the mountain-ranging Nymphai [Oreades], goddesses, and the breed of Satyroi, creatures worthless and unfit for work, and also the Kouretes, sportive gods, dancers.’", Pausanias, Description of Greece 8. Miller) (Roman tragedy C1st A.D.) : Nonnus, Dionysiaca 2. "Her [Kleite's (Cleite's)] death was bewailed even by the Nymphai Alseides (Woodland Nymphs) [of Mysia], who caused the many tears they shed to unite in a spring, which the people call Kleite in memory of a peerless but unhappy bride.

: In ancient Greece most of the forests were located on the slopes of the rugged hills and mountains, sas the majority of the lowland forest had been cleared for farming. 4 ff ff (trans. . 123 ff : TITHOREA An Arkadian Dryad who gave her name to the town of Tithorea.

550, ii. She fled his advances and was transformed into a pine-tree. Yes, I beseech thee, let me be one of the Heliades beside the stream of mourning Eridanos: often will I drop amber from my eyelids; I will spread my leaves to entwine with the dirge-loving clusters of my neighbouring poplar, bewailing my maidenhood with abundant tears--for Phaethon will not be my lament. ", Statius, Thebaid 9. "[The wedding of Dionysos and Pallene :] That was a wedding of many songs: the bridechamber was never silent, Seilenoi (Silens) chanted, Bakkhantes (Bacchantes) danced, drunken Satyroi (Satyrs) wove a hymn of love and sang the alliance which came of this victorious match . vii. 402 ff :

The relation between dryads and magic might be very strong, though the Sources are practically absent among members of this race. 203 ff : Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) . xx. i. . 500 ff (trans. .

Shall I hide under a rock? Dryads living in settlements in the heart of the forest, like Queen Eithné, tend to wear more fanciful dresses.[4][5].

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