But it had a tax on it. This event, which the colonists enjoyed but angered the British, was later referred to as the Boston Tea Party.

The Boston Tea Party was a significant event in the years leading up to the American Revolution. Some people in Boston decided to protest against this tax. Starting in 1765, the Stamp Act was intended by Parliament to provide the funds necessary to keep peace between the American settlers and the Native American, “…Patriots disguised as Native Americans threw 342 chests of tea overboard from three British ships” (Hart 71). This paper will discuss the, The Dangers Of Adversity : The Dual Nature Of Adversity, Social And Legal Barriers Of Homosexuality, The Evolution Of Music And The Evolution Of Music. But not everyone understands the importance of it, and why the Tea Party is still remembered today. “The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (the Townshend, words of Margaret Mead, the American Cultural Anthropologists, summarize most historical events where people unite towards a purpose.

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This was when the colonists, in anger, boarded a ship carrying many chests of fine teas, and hurled them overboard. Cite The Boston Tea Party … This was called the Tea Act. The Boston Tea Party.

There, all the colonists realized the first time, which they were treated wrong by the British government. The establishment of independence from British colonization however did not happen overnight. Read more>>, The Boston Tea Party was the key-event for the Revolutionary War. The Boston Tea Party was a direct protest by colonists in Boston against the Tea Tax that had been imposed by the British government. Imagine you are a merchant in Boston selling imported goods from England with a high tax on them, when three ships come in with 342 chests of tea without planning to pay the middleman tax. It hardened the feelings of the British against the Americans.

The Boston tea party was the first important event that led to the America Revolution, were the colonies were fighting for their rights, where they were looking to be a freedom country. It also united the colonists more than ever before. Historical Accounts of the Boston Tea Party, The Boston Tea Party and Its Impact on History, The Role of Boston Tea Party in the American Revolution. The Tea Party occurred in the Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773.

Conclusion & Reflection. This article describes the traditional approach to writing essays. The Boston Tea Party - Sample Essay. It was the first try of the colonists, to rebel with violence against their own government. The Boston Tea Party had a great impact on a lot of things. This is a great article that has the basics and the insights that you wont' find in other guides on the Internet. The Boston Tea Party, was this the act of an angry mob, or was it the action of people defending their rights against Britain’s unfair tea tax? The controversy between the two always seemed to hinge on the taxes, which Great Britain requ One of my most intriguing is why and how did it come about for 342 chests of tea to be thrown into the water, and who did it? The tea that was loaded on three British ships (Beaver, Eleanor, and Dartmouth) were attacked and emptied of it’s tea cargo into the ocean. The Boston Tea Party marked the first act of open resistance to British rule. The Boston Tea Party is the most crucial event that took place because it started rebellious actions, it led to a chain of events which eventually caused the war to start, and it riled up many people. When American’s dumped British Tea in Boston Harbor. It all started in 1766, when the Townshend Acts were adopted. Read more>>, Late in 1773 something happened in Boston that had two important results. "The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (the Townshend Acts) and the perceived monopoly of the East India Company (also the called English East India Company)" Read more >>.

It was an extremely controversial event at the time, and helped to spark an American Revolution, which led to the birth of United States of America. “…Patriots disguised as Native Americans threw 342 chests of tea overboard from three British ships” (Hart 71). The section about organizing ideas in a diagram is really helpful. Basic Guide to Essay Writing The colonist in 1773 had endured several attempts to tax them by their mother country, but the tax on tea was the breaking point. The colonists weren't stupid and immediately recognized, that started the revolution was the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party

Too bad it wasn’t, and although no one died it was still considered an extremely chaotic time. They all flew from their mother country to start a new life in a new world, but the British government didn't give them the possibility by controlling them. When the Boston Tea Party occurred on the evening of December 16,1773, it was the culmination of many years of bad feeling between the British government and her American colonies. I am here to reveal these answers to you. Like our former mother country, American politicians today consider the injustices they create as necessary sacrifices for the good of the state, while refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing. However this was not the cause of the revolutionary war, it was multiple things that the British government did to the Americans to provoke them to fight back. The country has many amazing historical characters that made it the country it is today. But not everyone understands the importance of it, and why the Tea Party is still remembered today. Throughout the course of history there have been many events leading up to the independence of America. While the main focus is the painting, one cannot fully grasp the extent of powerful emotions that it encases without having prior knowledge about the defiance and its purpose, the details within the, Boston Tea Party: A Fight for Freedom There are many examples of this throughout history. Britain had been defending the colonist with their Navy, and incurring a lot of debt in the process.

The Boston Tea Party started as a protest against the, change in society.

The Tea Act essentially eliminated all taxes on tea except the three pence Townshend tax. The Boston Tea Party occurred as a result of high prices of tea from the British government. How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly Read more>>.

From the Boston tea party to voting rights. Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. The uprising was organized, carried out, upon three British ships carrying tea, and threw over 90,000 pounds of tea into the harbor. Sign Up Sign In Sign Up; Sign In; Home.

Students who find writing to be a difficult task. Like Great Britain in the late 18th century, our federal government today is big, militant, and expensive to run. The first reason why The Boston Tea Party, which is also called the Midnight Raid, is the most significant event leading up to the American Revolution is because it started rebellious actions.

This allowed Parliament to tax the colonies on tea, lead, paint, paper, and many other items. The reason for, The Boston Tea Party and America’s Independence Some of them were small, whereas others were much more significant.

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